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Thursday, September 20, 2007

REPEAT Drunk Drivers Mostly Alcohol Dependent Alcoholics

About Wayne Johnson and LeRoy E. Sharp And the Others like

Let me take up the story of two repeat drunk drivers who pleaded guilty and sentenced to one to four years of imprisonment. Both convictions came in the month of September 2007.

The first one in Canada. Wayne Johnson has been sentence for one-year jail following his ninth conviction for drunk driving. The12-month conviction far less than the maximum five years – the leniency because Johnson’s last conviction was 15 years ago. Read it in :

The second one in the Oswego country where 51 years old LeRoy E. Sharp, pleaded guilty and sentenced for one to four years for drunk driving and its related charges. Read it in:

The public opinion everywhere overwhelmingly against such repeats DD offenders. They are considered as the scourge of the society endangering the life of other people. Therefore it has been said that such relatively light sentencing or the punishment is not enough for them they should be incarcerated more.

But the public refuse to see the other side of these alcoholic or dependent men/women who were caught while drunk driving! None of them did commit it by intention! All along their life they tried very hard to quit the drink and even were successful many times! But unfortunately when they see the drinks all around and the people drinking – amidst the human relations raising tensions, frustrations the temptation for the drink, it become too much to resist --- so they start to drink once again, which overwhelms them—they quickly loss control become impaired get drunk and then in need to reach their destination get into this driving and inadvertently become the notorious driving drunks!

The authorities seems to follow a strange logic in this regard! They contend that alcoholism is a disease—Therefore it is basically not the alcoholics fault --so they cannot be fully blamed for it etc & etc. However when it comes to the repeat drunk driver they immediately start blaming it on the They say it is entirely the alcoholics own fault therefore they should be made fully responsible, and should be severely punished. This many times can make those drunk drive offenders feel unjustly targeted victimized, grow bitter frustrated and as a result commit more offence.

People know very well that the best way to prevent all those alcohol(ism) problems including the drunk driving is simply ban those alcohol drinks, which cause such problems in the first place. However the authorities not ready to do so because they know they had failed and would fail implementing this ban. So to hide their own failure they permit those extremely dangerous alcohol drink for the public consumption and put the entire public to its extreme risk. Thereafter they totally blame it on those vulnerable gullible alcoholics who had been drunk driving. They make them the scapegoat of their own failure.

Please don’t misunderstand, I am not a proponent or advocate of total alcohol prohibition. My View point about it given in the blog post in this site under the title, Standard Alcohol Drinks series. “Alcohol Prohibition Mission Failures Reason” ( revised post on August 16th ).

Wayne Johnson and LeRoy E. Sharp are now in prison they may probably released after one year. However their punishment will not be over there. People will view them with suspicion. Their employment get restricted. Social security affected. Their driving license remain suspended for long time of course for very good reasons but at the same time it will make them severely handicapped and create more problems in their life.

But I am afraid the most is; so far as the authorities continue to license those extremely dangerous alcohol drink there are chance that they once again fall into the DD perhaps get into a fatal crash and I don’t want to talk about it more! At the end they most probably go to their graves having the notorious stigma of Drunk Driver attacked.

But who knows? Perhaps a day will come when the authorities misconduct of licensing such extremely dangerous alcohol drinks will get fully exposed. So the people will realize their mistake. If it ever happens then I wish it to happen soon during their life time and I will try, put my best effort to make it happen!

Valerian Texeira
Alcoholics Curewell

Please Note:- This blog post needs a writing refinement correction this unfortunately I cannot afford in my present given situation. I am quite embarrassed to say this. If I had the privilege of some one helping me in the correction or the refinement of my blog post I would consider it to be great!



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