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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Drunk Drivers Fight Back

Please Note: When I say “Drunk Driving” (DD) it also includes various Alcohol Use Disorders, Dependence, they are closely related and as a whole called as the Alcoholism Problems.

Challenge The Authorities Into A Discussion

It is possible for any of the person affected or involved in the drunk driving incidents to come out and challenge the authorities on the following objective grounds saying; ‘all the alcohol epidemiological research surveys basically points out that almost all those drunk driving incidents and most importantly its accidents happens as a result of people consuming those HIGH ALCOHOL CONTENT beverages (that includes the standard “beer” having around 5% alcohol) all of which have been licensed by the authorities in the named of “Standard alcohol Drinks” (SADs*). Further more the person can point out that there are no fundamental research evidences or statistics that fundamentally suggests that the consumption of Low Alcohol Drinks (LADs) having alcohol around 2% or less, results or causes any of these drunk driving offences specially its accidents! Therefore it is the authorities irresponsible or the fraudulent conduct of licensing of those potentially dangerous SADs’ for the public consumption that primarily cause, or allow the drunk driving to happen!

Now on their defense the authorities may argue: ‘if the drunk drivers consider that consuming the high alcohol content SADs causing all their DD problems then it is up to them NOT drink the alcohol at all! Or take to the LADs if they consider it is safe! Nevertheless they would say; ‘it is wrong to claim that only the high alcohol content SADs consumption cause DD problems in opposed to the LADs! According to their alcohol research all alcohol drinks cause those alcoholism including the drunk driving problems “irrespective” of their alcohol content HIGH or LOW!

So now the person turn to pose the next sets of four questions to make its points clear! 1). Do the authorities have any evidence of the alcohol drinks called liqueurs or spirits that contains around 40% v/v alcohol cause any DD problems? The authorities answer immediately yes! They can show you hundreds of such evidences even every day. --- So now the second question 2). Do they have any evidence that the “Wines” that contains around 12% alcohol cause any of the DDs? Of course the authorities answer to this also an affirmative yes, they can also show such evidences every day. -- Now the third question, 3). Do they have any evidence to show that the consumption of standard beer that contains around 5% alcohol can result in the DD? The answer is a big YES! In fact the authorities may contend that most of the DD offender seems to been excessively drinking this beer so it must be causing majority of the DD, therefore the beer probably is the most dangerous in this respect. Now so far strangely its collusion seems that the lower the alcohol content in the drink it start to cause more and more alcohol problems including the DD!

So the person ask the most important final fourth “challenging” question to complete this discussion series; 4). Do the authorities have any evidence that the consumption of the alcohol drinks that contains around 2% or less alcohol content (which we consider as LADs) cause these DD? I am sure that the authorities would not have any research evidence to prove it! Most probably they would immediately try to evade this question! It is mainly because they do not have any such fundamental evidence despite their claim that the consumption of low alcohol drinks somehow equally causes alcoholism including the DD problems.

Now to cut short the lengthy explanation about the root cause of all those DD problems, let me straight away point out that it is basically due to a major alcohol research misconduct by the authorities. I have explained it extensively in the paper titled: “Alcohol Research Misconduct” now made available under the same title in this blog including many other papers on this subject matter also made available in there. It is primarily because of the authorities licensing of those high alcohol content drinks in the name of Standard Alcohol Drinks (SADs) which can potential lead the alcohol vulnerable people into excessive alcohol consumption therefore extremely dangerous for the public consumption, causing various alcoholism problems, devastations and the tragic ends! The most notorious and despicable among them is the Drunk Driving. So it is mainly because of the all those alcohol authorities irresponsible or the fraudulent conduct that results in or all these drunk driving problems.

Please Note:-This post is still in its rough draft form! I posted it urgently because I am planning to start a new drunk driving open blog letter series. It is mainly addressing to those involved in the drunk driving incidents its overall victims due to the authorities irresponsible licensing of the SADs! Besides, some time in the coming days I will try to revise and refine and republish this post.

Valerian Texeira
Alcoholics Curewell.



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