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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Melissa Hilton A DUI Scapegoat: The Real Culprits Roam Free

Came across this Drunk driving sentencing report in.

Melissa Hiltons, 24, dunk driving last year, resulted in a fatal crash killing three young children and a adult; Emily Ann Preston, 10, Caleb Hilenbrandt, 11 and her son Nicholas, 12, and her close friend Lori Latham all were traveling in the car she was driving. She along with her daughter Madison survived the crash with injuries. Now she is sentenced to 24 years of long imprisonment by pleading on these DUI charges.

They accuse her of committing murder of four people. However the truth of the matter is she would have rather killed herself than killing the others, which is completely opposite of what murderers are! If any one suffers the most as the result of this DUI crash is herself, even without the prison sentence! It is her friendly nature of helping the others kids to provide this “swim outing” opportunity along with hers that perhaps landed her more into this!

The tragedy of this entire drunk driving matter is, the people who put the entire blame of this DUI on this alcohol vulnerable gullible people who get into drunk driving, on the other hand remain totally silent about the real CULPRITS behind all these drunk driving/accidents problems.

Those are the “Alcohol Drink Governing Bosses” who license and market these extremely dangerous high alcohol drug (around and above 5%) contained drinks under the banner of “Standard Alcohol Drinks” and ENTICE the public into drinking it. The alcohol epidemiological research points out that almost all these drinks cause the alcohol(ism) problems including the drunk driving/accidents. The most popular are the regular beer (of having around 5% alcohol) which treacherously lead the people into excessive alcohol consumption thus cause most of the above mentioned problems. On the other hand there are no such research evidence that points out that the low-alcohol drinks (preferably having around and below 2% alcohol) causing any of those problems. I say this fundamentally on the basis of the alcohol epidemiological research survey evidences.

However the authorities license those high alcohol drinks claiming all alcohol drinks irrespective of the alcohol content in them high or low some how equally or potentially causes the alcohol(ism) problems including the drunk driving/accidents without having any concrete research evidence to prove their claims. Therefore legally it becomes a serious “misconduct” on their part.

Therefore the root-cause of all those drunk driving/accidents lies in the “misconduct”, “vested interest” of the alcohol drink Governing Bosses. They are the real culprits behind the drunk driving. Still they roam free and continue with this mayhem in order to procure their high alcohol profit and the fringe benefit that it provides in the dealing of this devastating alcohol(ism) problems.

Melissa Hilton is mainly a alcohol vulnerable gullible drunk driving scapegoat, sentenced to long years of DUI imprisonment. She has to know this truth more than any one else if she wants to fight back. She has nothing to loose but her DUI shackles.

In this regard I suggest to read the most important “DUI Drunk-Driving Root Cause” Blog Posts, in the web link given below.

Valerian Texeira
Alcoholics Curewell



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