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Monday, January 21, 2008

Why Driving With High BAC Is Wrong - While Licensing of High-Alcohol Drinks Not?

Please Note:- This article has been revised, updated and put forward newly in this post.

Drunk Driving or Driving Under Influence (DUI) defined as having Blood Alcohol Count(BAC) over and above a given safe limit or levels. In the US having 0.08 BAC and above while driving is considered as a serious DUI offence whether it had caused accidents or not!

The BAC limit in driving and the DUI offence punishment over and above its limit, is mainly based on the DUI accidents research studies, which clearly points to the fact that people driving with the BAC above the given safe limit significantly increase their risk of getting into the accidents endangering their and the others life. The higher the drivers BAC the more the risk! On the other hand the comparative risk of the drivers getting into the accidents having the BAC levels below the given (.08) level almost same as people driving with no BAC. Therefore it scientifically and legally cannot be considered as “dangerous” so an offence.

However when it comes to the licensing and marketing the alcohol drinks that causes serious alcohol(ism) problems including the drunk driving/accidents, the authorities seem to apply a very different set of logic or a double standards! They proclaim all “alcohol drinks irrespective of the levels of the alcohol content in them high or low potentially cause the above mentioned alcohol problems!”

The authorities above official position is quite contrary to the available alcohol epidemiological research surveys, which basically points to the fact that almost all the alcohol(ism) problems caused by the high-alcohol drinks having generally around and above 5% alcohol content. On the other hand there are no such evidence that the low alcohol drinks having the alcohol content preferably around and below 2% causing any such serious alcohol(ism) problems. Therefore the authorities above stand claiming all alcohol drinks potentially causing the alcohol(ism) problems are outright fraudulent amounting to a serious misconduct on their part.

The main reason why the authorities do not want to impose a safe limit on the alcohol drug content in the drinks, which they license for the public consumptions is that (apart from their claims that all alcohol drinks potentially cause alcohol[ims] problem) it will heavily slash-down the high profit of the alcohol industry, which mainly rely up on the high-alcohol (generally having around and above 5% alcohol content) drinks marketing to obtain their super high profit. Therefore its powerful industrial lobby would not allow the imposition of this safe alcohol content limits on the alcohol drinks to happen. They cleverly argue that, it is up to the people to drink it responsibly! Most people who drink alcohol do not fall into the alcohol(ism) problems* therefore if anyone finds it causing any problems then they should immediately stop the drinking of it thereafter!

(*Most people drunk drive also do not fall into any such accident problems, does it make drunk driving safe? Or do they have to get into the accidents to stop them from the drunk driving thereafter? Advising the people to consume high alcohol standard drinks responsibly so they do not fall into the alcohol(ism) problems is like telling the drunk drivers to drive responsibly so they do not fall into its accidents!)

However the authorities seem to conveniently forget that alcohol is a statutory drug. If its use causes any adverse harmful affect even in the minority of the people it’s licensing considered to be unlawful until the authorities make it certain that it is safe to drink! However in the case alcohol drink licensing and marketing all its safety precautions thrown out of window to appease the alcohol drink governing bosses. To enable the industry bosses to obtain their high profit and to collect huge alcohol tax revenues to the Government bosses and not to mention the large sums(research grants, consultant treatment fees etc.) for the bosses working in the alcohol(ism) research its prevention, treatment field.

The only people to loose in all this are the high-alcohol drink vulnerable, gullible people. As the result of their consumption of these high-alcohol drinks licensed and marketed under the banner of Standard Alcohol Drinks’ they inadvertently fall victims to serious alcohol(ism) problems including the drunk driving.

Finally let me conclude focusing on the title. The drunk driving accident research studies basically points to the fact that the people driving having the BAC over and above a given limit significantly increase their risk of getting into driving accidents. Therefore it is named as DUI a serious offence under the law, although most of the drunk driving does not result in any such accidents.---Similarly the alcohol epidemiological research basically points to the fact that almost all alcohol(ism) problems including the drunk driving/accident caused by the high-alcohol drinks generally having around and above 5% alcohol content, while there is no such evidence that the low alcohol drinks (preferably having alcohol around 2% or below)causing any such alcohol(ism) problem including the drunk driving /accidents.

Therefore people licensing and marketing the high alcohol drinks is as wrong or bad as people driving with having the BAC over and above the limit if not more!

I have explained this matter in so many of my previous blog post in this month and the last month citing many of the DUI news reports. Its principle document titled: “Alcohol Research Misconduct: Cause Drunk Driving” in

Valerian Texeira
Alcoholics Curewell



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