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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Grieving Family Turns Tragedy into a Mission of DUI Education

I came across this drunk driving news report of the above title in:

Tragically however they remain totally silent about the Alcohol Drink Governing bosses who are the real culprits behind all those drunk driving accidents.

The report say; ‘David's family has been in a mission, spreading awareness with magnetic signs that say, "My (Brother/Friend/Son/Sister/Daughter) Was Killed By A Drunk Driver."

It made me to wonder, how about another such awareness spreading magnetic signs that says;
“ My Son/Daughter/Father/Mother/Sister/Brother/Friend was a DUI offender or the drunk driver!”--I say this because they exist in far more greater numbers! Perhaps a significant numbers will have to put both the signs!

I see the sheer futility in such typical drunk driving prevention measures or the awareness programs that mainly succeeds in diverting the attention from the root-cause or the real culprits behind the drunk driving that I have mentioned first.

In this regard I suggest them to read the most important “DUI Drunk-Driving Root Cause” Blog Posts, in the web link given below.

Valerian Texeira
Alcoholics Curewell.



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