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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Alcohol Prohibition: Mission Failure Reason

Please Note: This is the third serial part of its previous two posts 1). “Standard Alcohol Drinks (SADs) Cause Alcoholism” 2). “Standard Alcohol Drinks SADs: Licensing Reasons”. Revised, updated and put forward in this post.

Not Recognizing The Difference Between The High and Low Alcohol Drinks

The rights or wrongs of the Alcohol Prohibition remains one of the hotly debated and highly contentious issue. Historically it has been a long battle between the alcohol prohibitionist who advocate that any amount of alcohol no matter high or low, all are potentially harmful for human consumption therefore they all should be totally banded or prohibited! On the other hand the alcohol drink proponent and its industry advocates argued for its regulated, moderate and safe use mainly for its beneficial aspect and from its social safety point of view.

History has proven again and again the fact, although the alcohol drinking along with alcoholism cause enormous harm to the society (more than tobacco smoking when compared with its violent crime, delinquency, DUI etc). However imposing the Alcohol Prohibition makes the problems far more worse as it gives raises to alcohol bootlegging corruption, crime Mafia! Therefore, the better way out of it is; first of all to educate people about the dangerous involved in the alcohol consumption, alcoholism, teach them about its moderate or safe use and finally to bring in strict regulation over its quality, sales to facilitate its moderate and safe use! With such powerfully convincing argument most importantly to stamp-out the bootlegging crime Mafia the alcohol prohibition repealed! So the proponents of the alcohol drink had won and alcohol prohibitionist had to accept the defeat in their main battle against the alcohol industry.

However the authorities succeeded in bringing in some very stringent alcohol policy regulation such as imposing high alcohol taxes, increase of legal drinking age, restricting the time and places of alcohol consumption etc. Nevertheless, the alcohol industry successfully adapted to these regulations mainly by exploiting a big “loophole” of their opponents (prohibitionist) own making or the thinking (belief).

The main reason or the big loop hole that resulted in the alcohol Prohibitionists defeat is their own BELIEF, which claims that; “all alcoholic beverages no matter the alcohol content in them high or low potentially cause alcoholism problems”. The alcohol industry exploited this claim to their full advantage. So now the opponents can not blame them for manufacturing and marketing the high alcohol content beverage under the name of Standard Alcohol Drinks, as they themselves argue all alcohol drinks irrespective of the alcohol content in them high or low cause alcoholism problems! This allows the alcohol industry to make a thriving business in manufacturing and marketing these highly profitable, high alcohol content STDs, ironically at the expense of its own opponent’s claims!

Now the alcohol prohibitionist can turn the table and beat the Standard Alcohol Drinks proponents and the industry at their own game! They should rectify their historical mistake by wisely consenting to the fact that all alcohol drinks does not cause alcoholism problem but only those high-alcohol content SADs cause almost all alcohol(ism) problems!

In this regard they can point to the fact that there is no research evidence to suggest that the Low Alcohol Drinks, having around 2% or less alcohol v/v cause any of the alcoholism problems! On the other hand the alcohol research overwhelmingly shows that all the STDs (above the alcohol content of the mentioned LADs) potentially cause the alcoholism problems with its overwhelming evidence. On the basis of this alcohol research evidence, all the STDs should be banned and only the LADs should be allowed essentially for the moderate and safe public consumption! Or at least the former should be taxed two or three times higher than the latter. In other words one alcohol drink unit (around 10 to 13 grams of pure alcohol) in the SADs should be priced two or three times higher than the same amount of alcohol in the LADs having 2% v/v or less alcohol content in it.

The greatest advantage of exempting the LADs from the prohibition is that it will significantly prevent the reemergence of the Alcohol Bootlegging, its Corruption, Criminal Mafia, which is the main enemy of the alcohol prohibition all the while that is why historically they could not succeed! If the good quality LADs legally made available that too at its cost price, most of the alcohol drinkers would not go for the illegal (prohibited) high alcohol content SADs that would be very expensive. After all they will have the opportunity of binging the drink in any amount if they want to consume more alcohol if they like, still it would cost them far less! This will win more alcohol drinkers accepting the SADs prohibition and therefore it will have greater chances of succeeding than the total ban on all alcoholic beverage drinking!

Overall the prohibition on the SADs would act like a double edged sword. On the one hand it would cut off most of the profit of the alcohol industry because the main secret of their high profit lies in the alcohol content in the drink they sell. In general higher the alcohol content higher goes their profit margins and vice versa. On the other will cut down the fertile grounds of the all alcohol drink total prohibition on which the alcohol bootlegging mafia mostly flourish!

Basically, the imposition Alcohol Prohibition on the SADs would greatly help towards achieving our historical mission of eradicating most of the alcoholism problems including the DUI Drunk Driving accidents significantly out from our society.

(The fourth blog in this series will be continued in the next post.)

Recommended for Reading:

Valerian Texeira. (Vallab)
Alcoholics Curewell



At September 26, 2008 at 4:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chantix is a fairly new drug designed to help people quit smoking. It also has the ability to help people with other addictions such as alcoholism. Chantix works by targeting nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain.


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