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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Alcoholics Should Claim Compensation

Please Note: This is the fourth post in my Standard Alcohol Drinks (SADs) blog series. Its previous three posts entitled; 1)“Standard Alcohol Drinks Cause Alcoholism”. 2). Gov. Alcohol Policy. 3) Alcohol Prohibition: Mission Failure Reason.

Alcoholic Disease People Deserve Compensation

The alcoholic diseases, which comes as a result of excessive alcohol consumption directly blamed on the alcoholics excessive drinking!

However what the people doesn’t know is that in general the alcoholic disease does not result from excessive drinking of all alcohol Drinks! Excessive Drinking of the Low Alcohol Drinks (LADs) in general does not result in the excessive alcohol consumption thereby any alcoholic disease in people!

It is only when peoples having the excessive drinking nature in the given situation if take to consume the Standard Alcohol Drinks (SADs) which have been permitted by the Gov. alcohol authorities for the public consumption, despite all of which containing high alcohol content potentially dangerous for human consumptions, they eventually succumb to the alcoholic diseases.

I say this on the basis of the alcohol research epidemiological survey reports on this matter. All of it basically points out that almost all the alcoholic (dependence, liver, heart etc.) diseases results from consuming the SADs. It is obviously because all of which contains high alcohol content potentially dangerous and unsafe for human consumption! On the other hand there is no research evidence to suggest that the LADs (having 2% or less alcohol content) cause any such alcoholic disease.

Unfortunately however it is the alcoholism prevention, treatment and its research health institutions including the Gov. Alcohol Policy Makers, who obviously have been given the responsibility to license only those safe alcohol drinks for peoples consumption, on the contrary callously permit, sanction or license these SADs for the public drinking, which is certainly known to cause the alcoholic disease, in the guise of allowing it for their moderate or safe alcohol consumption! Ironically however the LADs, which are not known to cause the alcoholic disease given no place in the SADs list, which they claim to have facilitate for the peoples moderate or safe drinking!

On the top of it, all those institutions authorities misinforming or misleading the alcohol drinkers by propagandizing that; “opting for low-alcohol drinking, to prevent or eliminate alcoholism particularly the dependence cannot succeed or such attempts bound to fail if the people try it’. Such promulgations remain totally contradictory to the available alcohol research evidences.

It is well known that the people who had fallen victims of lung cancer due to their long years of cigarette smoking, went on suing the companies in the federal courts for not revealing the research findings or misleading the people about the health dangers of the tobacco smoking. And the juries indeed awarding huge compensations to the victims.

Is there any one who now suffers from any major alcoholic disease specially the Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) but still continues to drink alcohol? They can readily take up this lead and sue the responsible institutions authorities for the compensation! If they like to make their case more stronger first thing the person has to do is to opt for the LADs (2% or less alcohol v/v) and to cut down their alcohol consumption to the minimum and successfully come out their alcohol dependence. This can prove that if the person had been given this LADs alcohol research information before then he/she would never had fallen victim of this ALD!

The ALD people who now totally abstain from the alcohol drink are also qualified to sue for the compensation. Because the cigarette smokers who had fallen victims of lung cancer and sued successfully for its compensation in the court, were not asked to prove that they would had quit the smoking if they were given the research information or known that the smoking causes the disease. Perhaps this should also apply to the people who suffer from the ALD due to the misleading promulgations or the advice given to them by the authorities about the LADs.

Any one who suffers from any of the alcoholism disease (dependence) problems as the result of their long years of SADs consumption can go to the court for this compensation. However it is mainly the people with the ALD can make it more sensible, credible because of the nature of this disease and its irreversible damage and suffering in their life.

Suggested reading

Valerian Texeira.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Thanks for Your Authority.

Whoever it may concern.

Thank you for your lending me two more authority.

For various reasons it takes long time for me to write and finish my blog post on the subject matter.

My next post titled “Alcoholics Should Claim Compensation” will be coming in this week.

Valerian Texeira.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Alcohol Prohibition: Mission Failure Reason

Please Note: This is the third serial part of its previous two posts 1)“Standard Alcohol Drinks Cause Alcoholism”. 2). Gov. Alcohol Policy License Standard Alcohol Drinks.

Not Recognizing The Difference Between The High and Low Alcohol Drinks

The rights or wrongs of the Alcohol Prohibition remains one of the hotly debated and highly contentious issue. Historically it has been a long battle between the alcohol prohibitionist who advocate that any amount of alcohol no matter high or low, all are potentially harmful for human consumption therefore they all should be totally banded or prohibited! On the other hand the alcohol drink proponent and its industry advocates argued for its regulated, moderate and safe use for many of its beneficial aspect.

History has proven again and again the fact, although the alcohol drinking along with alcoholism cause enormous harm to the society (more than tobacco smoking when compared with its violent crime, delinquency, DWI etc). However imposing the Alcohol Prohibition makes the problems far more worse! Therefore, the better way out of it is; first of all to educate people about the dangerous involved in the alcohol consumption, alcoholism, teach them about its moderate or safe use and finally to bring in strict regulation over its quality, sales to facilitate its moderate and safe use! Under these principal guidelines the alcohol prohibition asked to be removed most importantly to stamp-out the Bootlegging Crime Mafia that raise from it! With such powerfully convincing argument to back them, the proponents of the alcohol drink had won and its opponents had to accept the defeat in their main battle against the alcohol industry.

However they succeeded in bringing in some very stringent alcohol policy regulation such as imposing high alcohol taxes, increase of legal drinking age, restricting the time and places of alcohol consumption etc. Nevertheless, the alcohol industry successfully adapted to these regulations mainly by exploiting a big “loophole” of their opponents (prohibitionist) own making or the thinking (belief).

The main reason for the alcohol Prohibitionists defeat is the loophole in their own BELIEF, which claims that; “all alcoholic beverages no matter the alcohol content in them high or low potentially cause alcoholism problems”. The alcohol industry exploited this claim to their full advantage. So now the opponents can not blame them for manufacturing and marketing the high alcohol content beverage under the name of Standard Alcohol Drinks, as they themselves argue all alcohol drinks irrespective of the alcohol content in them high or low cause alcoholism problems! This allows the alcohol industry to make a thriving business in manufacturing and marketing these highly profitable, high alcohol content STDs, ironically at the expense of its own opponent’s claims!

Now the alcohol prohibitionist can turn the table and beat the Standard Alcohol Drinks proponents and the industry at their own game! They should rectify their historical mistake by wisely consenting to the fact that the alcohol drinks in moderate or safe amounts beneficial in so many ways! But at the same time it needs stringent alcohol policy regulations to ensure its moderate and safe use!

In this regard they can point to the fact that there is no research evidence to suggest that the Low Alcohol Drinks, having around 2% or less alcohol v/v cause any of the alcoholism problems! On the other hand the alcohol research overwhelmingly shows that all the STDs (above the alcohol content of the mentioned LADs) potentially cause the alcoholism problems with its overwhelming evidence. On the basis of this alcohol research evidence, all the STDs should be banned and only the LADs should be allowed essentially for the moderate and safe public consumption! Or at least the former should be taxed two or three times higher than the latter. In other words one alcohol drink unit (around 13 grams of pure alcohol) in the SADs should be priced two or three times higher than the same amount of alcohol in the LADs having 2% v/v or less alcohol content in it.

The greatest advantage of exempting the LADs from the prohibition is that it will significantly prevent the reemergence of the alcohol Bootlegging Criminal Mafia, which is the main enemy of the alcohol prohibition all the while that is why historically it could not succeed! If the good quality LADs legally made available that too at its cost price, most of the alcohol drinkers would not go for the illegal (prohibited) high alcohol content SADs that would be very expensive. After all they will have the opportunity of binging the drink in any amount if they want to consume more alcohol if they like, still it would cost them far less! This will win more alcohol drinkers accepting the SADs prohibition and therefore it will have greater chances of succeeding than the total ban on all alcoholic beverage drinking!

Overall the prohibition on the SADs would act like a double edged sword. On the one hand it would cut off most of the profit of the alcohol industry because the main secret of their high profit lies in the alcohol content in the drink they sell. In general higher the alcohol content higher goes their profit margins and vice versa. On the other will cut down the fertile grounds of the all alcohol drink total prohibition on which the alcohol bootlegging mafia mostly flourish!

Basically, the imposition Alcohol Prohibition on the SADs would greatly help towards achieving our historical mission of eradicating most of the alcoholism problems from our society.

(The fourth blog in this series will be continued in the next post.)

Recommended for Reading:

Valerian Texeira.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Gov. Alcohol Policy

Please Note: This is the second serial part of its previous posts titled: “Standard Alcohol Drinks Cause Alcoholism”.

Gov. Alcohol Policy License Standard Alcohol Drinks

Let me begin here from my previous blogs concluding question. Why does the Gov. Alcohol Policy Makers (APMs) continued to license, sanction or endorse those SADs for the public consumption, brought in by the Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturers (ABMs) despite the evidence that all of which potentially cause the alcoholism and its diseases?

Although it seems that the APMs acts irresponsibly in sanctioning such potentially dangerous SADs for the public consumption, nevertheless there are many reasons or compulsions that rightly or wrongly (inadvertently) seems to have prompted the authorities to sanction it. In fact I would rather like to point out a very good health reason that can in some way justify their endorsement of the SAD’s.

Many alcohol research evidences today proves that the “moderate” consumption of alcohol rather beneficial for health. It is concretely known to prevent some major heart diseases. In short the alcohol research suggest that moderate drinkers live longer than the total abstainers or the teetotalers!

However this good health reason for sanctioning the alcohol drinks for the public consumption for its moderate or safe use gets completely delued or fooled due to the Alcoholism Prevention Treatment Research Institutions “misleading propaganda”, which basically asserts that the “alcohol content in the beverage no matter high or low does not make any considerable difference! Therefore opting for the Low alcohol drinks in order to “cut-down” or moderate the persons overall alcohol consumption especially in the people who are prone or vulnerable to alcoholism (dependence), simply fail to work”!

Owning to this misleading propaganda the APM’s also do not bother much to independently probe into this matter of the LADs causing alcoholism or the dependence. They don’t check out to see whether the alcohol drinks can be basically divided into two main categories one as fairly safe and the other potentially dangerous for human consumption on the basis of low or high alcohol into it. And most importantly above what amount (approximately), the alcohol content (percentage) in the drink (v/v) becomes unsafe or potentially dangerous (as they do in the DWI cases) in regard to its causing alcoholism! Since the prejudiced propaganda claims that; ‘high or low alcohol content in the drink doesn’t make much difference in causing or preventing alcoholism’.

Therefore, as the Alcohol beverage industries continue to manufacture these SAD’s all of which contains the high alcohol content because that suits their high profit interest! Unfortunately the Gov. alcohol policy makers license or sanction them for the public consumption without questioning the safety aspects of the low and high alcohol content in these drinks on the basis of its available alcohol research.

Here I urge APMs please to see the basic difference between the SADs and LABs. All the alcohol research in this area basically suggest that while the former very much proven to cause alcoholism while there is no such research evidence about the latter. Therefore they should come forward to impose strict regulation, high taxation, prohibition or a ban of SADs while giving exemptions(at least the benefit of doubt) to the LADs.

The next post in this series is about “Alcohol Prohibition” its proponent or advocates. They mainly got defeated in their mission mainly because like the APMs they also failed to recognize the safety aspects of the LADs as opposed to the potential dangers of the SADs in causing alcoholism!

(The third blog in this series will be continued in the next post.)

PS. One can find a great number of documents regarding the “Alcohol Policy” in the Web. I have given some of its Web-links below, which I find very important. Its main aim is prevention of alcoholism and the Standard Alcohol Drinks (SADs) its main target! Ironically however, the same SADs features at the forefront in their much publicized Moderate (safe, low-risk, controlled) alcohol drinking promulgations despite all of it known to potentially cause the alcoholism, which includes the Alcohol Use Disorders.

However on the other hand the Low Alcohol Beverages (LABs) basically do not count in those Alcohol Policies, despite it having no research evidence of its causing the alcoholism problems! Perhaps they assume they need not bother about those LABs, which is not evidently known to cause Alcoholism problems!


Monday, August 6, 2007

World Needs A Universal Language

A Whisful Thinking

Different languages creates major division among the people and give raise to major problems in our human society. A universal language can unite the people of this world thus can solve resolve many of those problems.

In this age of the Information Technology where INTERNET provides the great opportunity for the people of different corner of the globe “virtually” to interact with each other. However their different language is its biggest hurdle, which makes the communication between them very difficult that mainly keeps them apart. Although there are many language translation software’s but they can never fulfill the need of a same Language.

Therefore the world today needs a “Universal” Language. It should be new and should not be selected from any of the existing language to avoid any advantage disadvantage, and the sentimentalism over it. Its grammar should be founded upon today’s science and technology. It should also keep in mind there may be other species in this Universe so to communicate with in the future! Its main criteria; to be simple in its grammar and easy to speak as much as possible.

In this way the people of different languages all over the world can have a Common Understanding owning to this Universal language. So they can directly communicate or translate from their language into it. This I strongly believe will solve many of the major human problems that I mentioned above and establish a new world order. Has anyone put forward such suggestion before?

Asking people to except a new universal language is somewhat like asking them to except a new Universal Religion. Perhaps it is not as impossible. Still it is a Wishful Thinking.
