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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

World Alcoholism Mess: Section 2

Continuation of the last post


Although, the ZAD fundamentally refutes or disproves the establishments basic alcohol “dependence” doctrines, dogmas which professes that; ‘people with alcohol “dependence” loose control or get their capacity impaired to cut down, control or limit their alcohol consumption (to a safe or moderate levels) and further concludes that; alcoholism is a chronic disease [9…] therefore, “Cutting down” on drinking doesn’t work; cutting out alcohol (total abstinence) is necessary for a successful recovery[7a];-- as prejudiced, preposterous, misleading, narrow-minded “drug desire” bigoted alcoholism dogmas! Nonetheless, it acknowledges that the alcohol dependence persons' ‘impaired (loss of) control’ over the alcoholic beverage consumption does very much occur mainly under certain biological “need” or craving (the drug desire coupled with the drink satiety desire) conditions. It is only because of the establishment’s total disregard or ignorance of the humans drink satiety desire or appetite involved in the alcohol dependence we basically disagree and reprove them as promoting the drug desire bigoted alcoholism dogmas! According to the ZAD, the “drink desire”(need) and the “drug desire”(need) are the two main biological or neurobiological conditions (needs) that primarily drive the alcohol dependence syndrome (alcoholism)! Moreover in the overall biological sense I fully agree with the establishment’s construction of the alcohol ‘dependence’ or its syndrome constituting four basic alcoholism symptoms [9..]; 1). craving (substance desire), 2). impaired control, (loss of control) 3). physical dependence(withdrawals) and 4. tolerance.

In the “alcohol dependence”, we basically contend that the ‘craving’ and the ‘impaired control’ (Craving and impaired control, mostly while in the alcohol dependence, intimately coupled with each other.) the two primary symptoms of alcoholism originate from the humans basic biological drink satiety appetite or desire of the thirst, taste and the stomach! Of course, the drug (alcohol) desires its positive/negative reinforcement also plays equally important role in the alcohol dependence! Nevertheless, the most important thing to know in there is; the dependence persons strong alcohol drinking desire or the ‘craving’ and the “impaired control” can be successfully subdued and overpowered, by; “ALWAYS MIXING (OR SIMULTANEOUSLY CONSUMING) ‘PROGRESSIVELY ADEQUATE PROPORTION’ OF APPETIZING NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITH THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND DRINKING IT STOMACHFUL, FOR SATIETY”! IN OTHER WORDS, WHILE IN THE ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE NEVER TO DRINK HIGH ALCOHOL PERCENTAGE BEVERAGES INSTEAD ALWAYS BY DRINKING SUFFICIENTLY ENOUGH LOWER ALCOHOL PERCENTAGE BUT HIGHLY DELICIOUS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES THAT PRIMARILY PROVIDES THE FULL DRINK SATIETY!

This basically means, by giving priority to the drink satiety, one can successfully overpower (subdue, dissipate, stifle) the ‘craving’ and terminate the ‘impaired control’ over the alcohol consumption immediately (at least) for the time being! This in turn will gradually reduce and in the longer run completely remove the physical dependence, withdrawals [3p, 8p, 9] including the tolerance, [8n] (so the increase doses requirement, to achieve the same old drug effect, “tolerance”, process reversed) which is also very crucial to come out of the alcohol dependence! Therefore by following this ZAD drinking strategy, the alcohol dependence people can be very much able to control, cut down, and moderate their alcohol consumption to a given ‘safe, low-risk or moderate drinking levels’ [3ca,.. 9, 8o,..]. To repeat it all once more; the ZAD fully acknowledges the most important role played by the “drug desire”, craving its impaired control in the alcohol dependence but at the same time it strongly maintains that; it is originally due to the biological drinking need or desire in nature coupled with that alcohol substance (ethanol) desire! And most important of all is; that it all can be basically prevented, reduced and eliminated mainly by biological drink satiety! Apart from which the ZAD completely agrees with the establishment’s constructs or formulations of the alcohol dependence particularly the alcohol physical ‘dependence’ and the tolerance.

Alcohol Use-Disorders and Dependence

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates; there are 2 billion alcohol users [3h], in our world, among which 140 million[3d,] are alcohol dependents. According to another WHO estimates there prevails a large segment of alcohol drinkers numbering over 400 millions[3e] or 15 to 40 percent said to have face the hazardous or harmful drinking[3ca] abuse [18c] problems. The NIAAA’s recent Alcohol Abuse and Dependence chart provides its American accounts[14a]. Although the “moderate” alcohol drinking said to provide many benefits [8o, 10h..13, 20u]. However the alcohol drinkers starts to encounter very many serious ‘alcohol-related, drinking problems’[18c], when they exceed the given “safe drinking level”[9,] or low-risk drinking limits[3b]. This in its initial stages, generally addressed as; harmful or hazardous drinking [1, 2, 3ca]. To prevent it, the worlds leading health care providers (‘Establishments’) now mainly employ “Brief Interventions”[3c, 3ca, 8c…10e..13] to screen and briefly caution or warn people to keep out of any such alcohol (drug) problems or troubles. They also employ many of their expert testing scales, techniques or instruments named; AUDIT,[3b] CAGE, MAST, TWEAK etc [8b, 8c, 8k, 10f], to examine, measure, and deal with these problems. At its primary sages, they mainly advise the affected people to “cut down” their drinking [7b] to a given ‘moderate’ or “safe low-risk drinking level”. However people in the advanced stages, who consistently fail to cut-down their drinking, promptly “identified” and diagnosed [8a] as having alcohol ‘dependence’, under the guidelines of the ICD-10,[1] or DSM-IV[2] etc. diagnosis scales and strictly advised or warned to “stop drinking”[3b,..9..] and to observe total abstinence and remain in it through out their life!

Particularly, the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) [6] in its ‘Alcoholism getting the facts’ and the ‘FAQ’ [7a, 9] states that the ‘alcohol dependence’ or the alcoholism contains four main symptoms – 1). CRAVING – A strong need, or urge, to drink. 2). LOSS OF CONTROL – Not being able to stop drinking once drinking has begun. 3). PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE- Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety after stopping drinking. 4). TOLERANCE – The need to drink greater amounts of alcohol to get "high”. Further more, the ‘Alcohol Alert 30[6b]’, ‘Alcohol Research & Health’[6c] and entire array of the NIAAA alcohol dependence publications provide great volumes of information on this entire subject matter. Its slightly different version can be found in the WHO, which described it as; alcohol “dependence syndrome”[1,18b,c] documents and also in various other dependence screening and interventions promulgations like the AUDIT [3b].

Craving in the Establishments and The ZAD Alcoholism Perspective

Craving features most prominently in the establishments alcohol dependence research publications. The entire issue of the NIAAA’s quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal Alcohol Research and Health, ‘Alcohol and Craving’ volume 23, No. 3, 1999 dedicated to craving [10a]. It also promptly features in its Alcohol Alerts [8i, 8j]. Among many others, the full volume of The “Addiction” Journal ‘Research perspectives on Alcohol Craving’ [22] is a standing testimony of it! However, the great irony of all these huge volumes of ‘craving’ research study is that; they are totally obsessed or engrossed with the alcohol “drug desire” and totally neglect the drink satiety desire aspect of the craving! Their entire focus on the brains neurobiology, its transmitters, chemicals “opioid deficiencies”, oriented by the genes or other behavioral (psychological, social etc.) disorders [3a..7d, 8f,r,s,t,10b,c,i,j,l,m,o,p,q,r, 13, 22 etc.] that they say especially found (exhibited) in the alcohol dependent alcoholic people! Even though the establishment’s researchers claim that the ‘craving’ is basically a biological urge or desire, however they totally fails to recognize the basic biological drink (thirst, taste, and the stomach) satiety desire primarily involved in the alcoholic beverage drinking and it dependence! For this main reason they get totally stuck, puzzled or confused so conclude that they ‘lack consensus in this area’[8j]. Others comment, ‘craving so far remains very illusive and highly controversial’![22]. The great tragedy of the whole matter is; if any of craving research (specially the animal models) that begins to point towards the biological drinking need thirst, taste, stomach; involved in the ethanol consumption and its dependence[19f, 22] then it immediately gets sidetracked, overlooked and becomes oblivious!

‘Craving’ also plays a very important role in the ZAD alcoholism perspectives! It fundamentally contends that the ‘craving’ for the alcohol drink basically exists on two layers! On the surface layer it manifest itself as an obsessive-compulsive alcohol drug desire. (drug seeking behavior.) However hidden beneath, there remains a powerful drink satiety desire which is capable of totally overpowering taming, subduing the overall alcohol drink craving when it gets satiated fully enough! This with immediate effect can completely eliminate the impaired control (loss of control) thereby subsequently removing the physical dependence with absolute certainty while the person still continue to drink alcohol! We can substantially demonstrate and prove this on the concrete basis of the ‘ZAD therapy/practice model explained in details further down in this paper!

‘Impaired Control’ in the Establishments and the ZAD Alcoholism perspectives

The principle or the core symptom of ‘alcohol dependence’ is the ‘impaired control’ or the ‘loss of control’! One can call it as the “Mother of the Alcoholism”, as the latter two alcoholism symptoms (physical dependence and the tolerance) are born out of it! The NIAAA FAQ [9] (devised from DSM-IV[2]) describes it as; “not being able to stop drinking once the drinking has began”. The WHO ‘dependence syndrome’ (devised from ICD-10 [1]) diagnostic criteria for research, literally defines it as; “impaired capacity to control substance-taking behavior in terms of its onset, termination, or levels of use”[18b]. In which, particularly WHO departments obsessive drug desire bigoted alcoholism standpoint comes out very glaringly on the forefront!

On the other hand, the ZAD alcoholism ‘impaired control’ perspective, contains two basic biological or neurobiological aspects elements or the layers that I mentioned earlier. They are: 1). The desire or craving (neurobiological/psychological?) for the alcohol (drug) substance to derive its pharmacological effect, the positive/negative reinforcement [3a,8f,] of the drug or for “getting high! 2). The biological need, appetite or desire for the drink to satiate the thirst, taste and the stomach! Most importantly we argue that the latter is more powerful than the former, particularly in the prevention and treatment of the alcohol dependence! Owning to this, the ZAD basically contends that the drink satiety (thirst, taste, and the stomach) with a limited amount (safe levels) of alcohol in it, can successfully guard against the alcohol ‘impaired control’ (besides its craving) thus relieve the person from the alcohol dependence its syndrome or alcoholism! However, the establishments alcoholism research entirely preoccupied or obsessed (bigoted) with the drug desire, frantically continues to search the prevention and treatment of it in its genetic [3a, 8r, 8s] neurobiological roots in its zeal to develop some pharmacological drugs or medications[8f] or some psychosocial, behavioral therapies all joined together to prevent it.[3a..7d, 8f,r,s,t,10b,c,i,j,l,m,o,p,q,r, 13, 22 etc.] However ultimately they end up by candidly prescribing it prevention, treatment or solution in the total abstinence! ! In all these pursuit they totally miss or fails to recognize that by allowing the alcohol dependent people to drink, sufficiently enough low-alcohol percentage, alcoholic beverages (the ZAD drink satiety) can basically enable them to basically “control” their overall alcohol consumption (subdue craving as well) thus prevent and eliminate the alcohol ‘impaired control’ (loss of control) and its dependence as a whole!

The most important thing to know in here is; the establishments ‘impaired control’ or the ‘loss of control’ notion (view point), basically imply in it that the alcoholics unsuccessful attempts or their dismal failures to cut-down, reduce or control their alcohol consumption to a safe moderate drinking levels, so far as they continue to drink the alcoholic beverages! For example the WHO in its Dependence syndrome [18b] describes the ‘impaired control’ as ‘unsuccessful in their effort to reduce or control the substance use’.[18b]. Similarly the NIAAA FAQ[9] describes it as: “not being able to stop drinking once the drinking has began”. This viewpoint is basically implied in the establishment’s alcohol dependence research documents! This points out that, in general whatever medication, therapy treatment the alcoholics may try or undergo to reduce or cut-down their alcohol consumption but all such treatment bound to fail! For example; if the alcohol dependent (syndrome) people try to ‘reduce or control or cut-down their alcohol consumption’ by following or under going any of the available pharmacotherapy’s [8d] (Naltrexone, acamprosate etc. medications) or the psychological or behavioral therapies (BT), they all bound to fail! Following this same line of logic they dogmatically assume that, if those alcohol dependent (syndrome) people try to reduce or control their alcohol consumptions by opting for lower alcohol content (percentage) alcoholic beverages drinking method or strategy, then that also going to miserably fail or become unsuccessful! Because under their arrogant drug desire bigoted assumption if the alcohol dependents people were given lower alcohol content beverages to drink then they will soon consume far too much [20p] of that kind of alcoholic beverage so at the end of the day their overall alcohol consumption far exceed their safe moderate or low-risk drinking limits!

Now under the basis of the ZAD therapy/practice we absolutely prove to the establishments that their preposterous presumption about the use of the lower alcohol content beverages not being able to prevent the excessive alcohol consumption in the alcohol dependence people is totally wrong! Such narrow-minded, drug desire bigoted alcoholism dogmas, blunders promoted by them so far have been treacherously misleading the people and causing untold alcoholism destruction, suffering and death, its mess and mayhem in so many years since its inception! We infallibly prove to any one that the alcohol dependence people while still continuing to drink their alcoholic beverages can absolutely prevent its impaired control (loss of control) as well as overpower tame down or subdue its craving eliminate its impaired control and totally come out of their alcohol dependence and get rid of at least most of its “syndrome” and get completely cured of the alcoholism by following this sufficiently enough lower alcohol content alcoholic beverage drinking strategy. The alcohol dependent people never will fail or unsuccessful to cut-down, reduce or control thus can absolutely prevent their impaired control, (loss of control) if they agree to undergo and follow this simple safe and the pleasurable ZAD therapy/practice!

The ZAD Overall Agreement With The Establishments Alcohol Dependence symptoms.

Despite having fundamental difference with the establishments narrow-minded, (one-sided) psychoactive alcohol ‘drug desire’ bigoted craving and impaired control perspective of the alcohol dependence, that which I have explained before; the alcohol drug desire combined drink desire perspective of the ZAD, overall agrees with all the four alcohol “dependence” symptoms; 1. craving, 2. impaired control (loss of control) 3. physical dependence and 4. tolerance laid down by the establishments’! Surprisingly enough even though the establishments research implies alcohol dependence almost entirely on the basis of the substance desire or craving for the drug (alcohol) but strangely enough the NIAAA’s FAQ[9] describes craving as “A strong need, or urge, to drink”, which seems to ideally suits the ZAD Biological “drinking desire ” or “need” combined with the “drug desire” alcoholism perspective! Similarly, the symptom of the “loss of control,” described in it as “not being able to stop drinking once drinking has begun”, also seems ‘more finely tuned’ with this ZAD alcoholism drug combined drink satiety desire, perspective! Most important of all; the ZAD has no difference at all with the establishments last two alcoholism symptoms ‘physical dependence’(withdrawals) and ‘tolerance’[9, 18b] whatsoever!

Will be continued in the next post, Section 3


Monday, June 25, 2007

World Alcoholism Mess. Sec. 1

Authors Note

The WHO & USDHHS Promoted World Alcoholism Mess” ("World Alcoholism Mess" for short), paper first published in the year 2004 and its revised edition in 2005.

The importance of this paper to my present Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report is that its recognition at that time that there is a “mess” or “blunder” going on in the field of alcoholism prevention treatment research. Although then I had not yet identified it clearly as the Scientific Misconduct.

Here I have decided to publish it in this blog one by one in five sections.


2005 Revised Edition of:

The WHO & USDHHS1 Promoted
World Alcoholism Mess

By: Valerian Texeira-.
Section 1

A Broad Summary of this Paper

Alcohol “dependence,” [1, 2] syndrome, [18b] alcoholism [7a, 9] doctrines, [1, 2, 3… 6...7...8…9, 10...11...12...13...14...15...18…22.] build almost entirely and fundamentally on the obsessive grounds of the psychoactive substance alcohol “DRUG desire, craving”[1,2,3a,b, c. 8i, 8j, 9, 10a, 18b, 22], its “impaired control” (loss of control), bn/ culminating into its “substance dependence” promulgations; [1, 2, 3... 6... 7… 8…9, 1-0…18...] which utterly disregards its primary biological “drink (thirst, taste, and the stomach) satiety desire,” in its total fixation with the psychoactive drug desire; promoted by the worlds leading health ‘Establishments’; particularly, the World Health Organization (WHO)[3] and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) [5] their component departments [6, 18]; that which, propagate the solution of alcohol “dependence”, basically in ‘total abstinence’ [3c.., 7a,..9, 8d, 10b, c...18…]; with those prejudicial, preposterous proverbs, which ‘decrees’ “alcoholism is a chronic…disease”… “alcoholism cannot be cured”[9], “Cutting down” on drinking doesn’t work; ‘cutting out alcohol (total abstinence) is necessary for a successful recovery’ [7a] etc. These alcoholism dogmas based doctrines as a whole now under the scrutiny of this ‘ZAD alcoholism research paper’, has been exposed, and indicted as; the Biggest World Health Blunder, perhaps in the entire records of the modern world History!

Alcoholics Curewell hereby challenges and ‘refutes’ the Establishments before mentioned ‘drug desire’ bigoted alcohol ‘dependence’, its syndrome or alcoholism doctrines and its dictums, decrees or dogmas; by furnishing the “Irrefutable, Infallible, and Impregnable ZAD practice. Its primary physical/biological facts basically proves that the alcohol “dependent” people or alcoholics* are absolutely capable or able to “control” (cut-down, reduce, limit,) their excessive (hazardous, harmful) drinking [18c] or alcohol consumption** by adapting to this simple, safe and appetizing ZAD “practice”. [19c] Its book published in 2000[19] and in 2003 in the web [19a]. All of it certainly proves that the ‘total abstinence’ is “not” the only recovery option available for the alcohol dependent people, in fact the ‘ZAD’ model offers a better alternative, a “complete cure” for the alcohol “dependence” to its syndrome or alcoholism.

The ZAD therapy/practice (model) is a simple, inexpensive, safe and above all a very appetizing (delicious) natural and prudent way (procedure) of alcoholic beverage drinking that indeed infallibly prevents eliminates and cures the alcohol dependence! Its method or technique based on the ‘practical’ drinking condition that strictly cautions particularly to the alcohol dependence people to: “ALWAYS MIX (OR SIMULTANEOUSLY CONSUME) ‘PROGRESSIVELY ADEQUATE PROPORTION’ OF APPETIZING NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITH THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. AND DRINK IT STOMACHFUL, FOR SATIETY”! IN OTHER WORDS, NEVER TO DRINK HIGH ALCOHOL PERCENTAGE BEVERAGES (ESPEDIALLY WHILE IN THE ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE) INSTEAD ALWAYS DRINK SUFFICIENTLY ENOUGH LOWER ALCOHOL PERCENTAGE BUT HIGHLY DELICIOUS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES THAT PRIMARILY PROVIDES THE FULL DRINK SATIETY”! This can infallibly prevent also concretely reduce and remove all the four basic “symptoms” of alcoholism [9] namely:- 1). CRAVING 2). LOSS of CONTROL 3). PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE 4). TOLERANCE. In other words, rather than providing a life long diseased “relapse” prone “recovery” of the “Total Abstinence” the ZAD practice[19c], provides a complete “cure” from the alcohol “dependence” its syndrome[18b] or the so called disease [7a]

Alcoholism in general said to have multiple causes such as genetic/hereditary, [8r,8s,10j,10p] neurological, [8f, 8t,10q,10r] psychological, (spiritual?) social etc.[10b] However, this simple, inexpensive and safe ZAD therapy/practice provides a complete recovery in all these cases irrespective of their basic hypothetical causes! as the ‘Total Abstinence’ (TA) practice does! In other words the ZAD practice in its essence is as ‘infallible’ (unassailable) as the total abstinence practice (if not more) when followed; and is a quick effective, and successful way of prevention and treatment of the alcohol dependence! Above all we claim that the ZAD retains or even increases the delicious pleasure of the alcohol drinking and at the same time gradually reduces the overall alcohol consumption therefore it is the most “prudent” way for any alcohol drinkers especially for the alcoholics who gradually wants to attain the ‘abstinence’ while retaining the delicious pleasures of the drinking instead of suddenly quitting and abandoning the drink that could make them vulnerable to the fatal “relapse”! Moreover, under the ‘ZAD’ model the alcoholics (so far diagnosed as such) even while continue drinking alcoholic beverages still can completely come out of their alcohol ‘dependence’, which is why we primarily claim that they will get completely cured of it! This is the most basic and greatest advantage of this ‘ZAD’ practice over the ‘total abstinence’ practice.

The basic flaw or defect of the establishment entire ‘Total Abstinence’ models are that; they provide only a relapse prone recovery and not a complete cure thus essentially retain the ‘incurable or chronic state or condition of the alcoholic disease’ inside the person dormant, which in effect totally prevents the so called alcoholics from getting cured of it through out their life! This always threatens to “relapse” into full-blown disease and totally ruin their life, if the person reverts back into drinking. On the other hand with this ZAD model the alcohol ‘dependents’ (alcoholics) simply can no more fall into that dreadful alcoholism “relapse” even when they continue drinking alcoholic beverages! (However, we caution our readers not to basically compare the ZAD model with the TA models, as its direct opposite) Besides that, the ZAD model also fundamentally differs from the existing “Controlled” or moderation [20q, 35, 41, 42]) drinking (CD) models. Even though ideologically it may have something in common and they also basically question the Total Abstinence’s [39] overall accomplishments, nevertheless, we see these moderate-drinking (CD) models mostly aims at the “problem drinkers” (alcohol abusers? [41]) and basically the extensions or promoted ultimately under the “protection” guaranty of the Total Abstinence! [19i]. Horribly enough their formulations of “moderate” or safe drinking levels standards alcohol drinks could dangerously work as the alcohol “priming dose”[10ab] which could potentially lead the vulnerable people (young natural voluptuous predisposed adults) treacherously into the drinking, excessive [18c] alcohol consumption and subsequently into its dependence!

Overall, the Biological Need Satiety (BNS) based perspective of the ZAD model reveals a new biological ‘need’ dimension, the real cause hidden inside many of the human ‘Addictions’. [18c] As the ZAD cures the alcohol dependence successfully; it fundamentally question the Establishments narrow-minded (one-sided); psychoactive drug desire bigoted craving, impaired control ‘dependence’ basis in their every other human “addictions” its prevention and treatments as a whole! The ZAD model indeed opens up new biological need satiety frontiers in the prevention and treatments of great many of the human ‘addiction’! [ 20e, 20f, 20g, 20ga]

Now coming to the worlds leading health care Establishments (WHO& USDHHS etc.) principle disease diagnostic manuals; the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)[1] and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fourth Edition (DSM IV)[2]. The ‘alcohol dependence’ diagnostic guidelines, definitions; given in these both documents are basically founded or built on those first mentioned narrow-minded (one-sided) psychoactive drug desire bigoted alcohol dependence doctrines and its dogmas, which totally discard the drink satiety desire side of the alcoholic beverages drinking and its dependence! Their extended versions, reflected in the establishments principle alcohol dependence research study documents, mainly in the: WHO Management of Substance Abuse [18] particularly in the Alcohol Dependence Syndrome[18b], and almost in their every alcohol dependence publications, fact sheets, expert committees reports [3a,..3L, 3m... 18,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h, etc]. Also in the NIAAA [6] alcohol dependence, alcoholism related Publications [6a…], Pamphlets/Brochures/Poster[7…] Alcohol Alert[8…] FAQ[9],Alcohol Research & Health[10…], Special Reports[13], AOD Thesaurus[15], and many more! In all of which the “basic premise” of the alcohol “dependence” its syndrome or the alcoholism as a whole has been profoundly contaminated by those first mentioned preposterous drug desire bigoted alcoholism doctrines of ‘craving, impaired control, substance dependence, and the dogma of ‘total abstinence’ that basically disregards the humans natural biological drink satiety desire or the drink desire satiety aspect involved in peoples alcoholic beverage drinking and its dependence!

The same narrow-minded (one-sided) alcohol drug desire bigoted doctrines and its dogmas descend into the establishment’s alcohol dependence prevention and treatment paradigm! Their ‘Screening and Brief Interventions’ manuals, modules, guides [3c, 3ca, 8b,c,d,e,f,k,m…10b, 10c,10e, 11, 12,13..15..]! Their Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)[3b], CAGE, MAST, TWEAK and many such instruments [8b]. All of them callously discard the peoples natural biological need or desire for the drink satiety basically involved in their habit of alcohol drinking and its dependence! Horribly enough; “a standard alcohol drink” injudiciously prescribed in their safe, low-risk, moderate, controlled (how to cut-down your drinking) drinking guideline modules** [3b, 3ca, 3cb, 8o, 7a,..9 10h, 25, etc.] contains dangerously high amounts of alcohol percentage compared (relative) to the inadequate (total) amounts of ‘drink’ they contain which totally fail to provide the drink satiety for a vulnerable drinking (binging) person within their limited two or three standard alcohol drinks! Therefore such so-called safe, low-risk, moderate, counts of standard alcohol drinks could potentially lead many such vulnerable segments of “voluptuous” (binging) alcohol drinkers dangerously or treacherously into the alcohol dependence! The “Alcohol policy”[3k, 8q] makers of the establishment also totally engrossed with the same alcoholism doctrines and its dogmas, based alcohol policies also callously discard the positive natural biological drink satiety aspect ( that could have successfully prevented those from the excessive alcohol consumption) involved in the alcoholic beverage drinking thus totally fail in bringing in any more positive or constructive, alcohol policies in the prevention of the alcohol dependence, alcoholism!

So far to our knowledge the ‘Establishments’ have not obliged to our request to conduct an independent study research experiment on our ZAD model. In fact one of the main objective of this ZAD endeavors (papers) is; to convince them to do so! Interestingly however, globally there are overwhelming empirical evidence that the alcohol drinkers as a whole in general (young people in particular) opt for drinking more lower alcohol content beverages than the strong distilled-spirits! [3L, 3m, 3n, 6a,12] The most well known is fact that when threatened with alcoholism, many alcohol drinkers instinctively replace their drinks with the lower alcohol content beers as a strategy to reduce their overall alcohol consumption! [20k] The general practice of mixing (titration) of the distilled-spirits with the non-alcoholic beverages (mixers) could be also the part of the reason. There are many control drinking web sites [26, 27] including the WHO and the NIAAA [3ca, 7b] in their “How to cut-down or reduce your drinking”, give such non-alcoholic beverage drinking advise that indorse the basic validity of the ZAD practice! Contemporary research proves human appetite very much linked to alcoholism [20L, 20m, 20n, 20o, 22] as basically claimed by the ZAD model! Most important of all are the research study publications some of which I have given in the main text of this paper[20a, 20ac]. All of which in principle stand as a testimony for the basic validity of this ZAD model!

Nevertheless, the Establishments mainstream alcoholism ‘drug desire bigoted’ research reports or documents (doctrines) totally discourage, “disprove” or even forbid any such ‘delicious’ tasting lower alcohol content alcoholic beverage especially for the young people who are more prone to alcohol use disorders and its “dependence”! They argue that these appetizing alcoholic beverages even though lower in alcohol content does not significantly reduce the alcoholics over-all (total) alcohol consumption, on the contrary the delicious taste and flavor of these lower alcohol beverages may even entice them to drink much more of these appetizing beverages so finally their over-all alcohol consumption remains the same “high” or may even exceed the previous levels (binging, boozing)! The establishments rather seems to have deep misgivings about the newly marketed lower alcohol content, deliciously tasted and flavored alcoholic beverages called alcopops! The huge hue and cry raised by the ‘Centre for Science in the Public Interest Alcohol Policies Project’ (CSPIAPP) [28] which seems to be at the forefront of this battle, argues that these ‘alcopops’ which they say disguised in a delicious taste and flavors, (to mask the alcohol inside) posses far greater threats dangers or harms for the teenage drinkers (let alone the alcoholics)! The WHO also strongly raises same concerns about these alcohol premixed delicious fruit lemonades collectively known as “alcopops”[3d, 3L]! Garry Slegg[29] who conducted the ZAD book review (2000) in the journal of ‘Addiction’[22a] in this connection quotes “Alco pops may actually lead to an increase in the level of consumption among young people” (BMA, 1999)! It is due to such preposterous narrow- minded one-sided, ‘half-truths’, prejudices, propagandas against the delicious (appetizing) lower alcohol content alcoholic beverages dominated by such drug desire bigoted alcoholism doctrines and dogmas* that plagues the establishments entire alcohol dependence, alcoholism prevention and treatments!

Now contrary to the establishments above mentioned fanatical anti-alcopop stand point; we strongly contend that adding highly delicious taste flavor and at the same time lowering the alcohol content (percentage) in the alcoholic beverages while drinking can successfully replace the alcohol drug desire and can substantially reduce the overall alcohol consumptions! Therefore, we favor that the delicious taste and the flavor of the alcopop can be positively employed (particularly under the ZAD pioneering ‘Alcohol Policy’) to prevent the people (especially the young people) from falling into the alcohol dependence and at the same time enabling the other alcohol dependent people to come out of and get completely cured of it.

This newly compiled ZAD therapy/practice model paper [19b] heralds, three pioneering alcoholism prevention and treatment landmark frontiers i.e. 1. The ZAD Clinical Therapy 2. The ZAD Practice and 3. The ZAD Policy. First of all it is most important to know that the ZAD Clinical (inpatient) therapy EMBODIES the ZAD practice that comprises of the alcohol detoxification and its dependence prevention and elimination, which has been explained in details in the last part of this paper. The “ZAD Alcohol Policy” (third one) outlined in principle, in between in this paper, which is fundamentally different from the establishments alcohol policies! [3a, 3k, 8q, 10g] The “ZAD practice”[19c](second one) is the nucleus of this ZAD model*, however for some necessary reasons** published separately or independently in conjunction with this paper. Another most important feature of this paper is that it takes major departures from all my previous ZAD literatures as it complies with the “TERMINOLOGIES” guidelines, expounded by the establishments [3, 6] while at the same time indicting them of promoting the World Alcoholism Mess! It also presents a list of numbers of “references” together with many valuable research study reports empirical evidences that could endorse the basic validity of the ZAD model! And finally the 1100$ Alcoholics Reward to any one who disprove or refute the ZAD practice!

The single most important “irrefutable physical/biological fact” or the basic evidence of the ‘ZAD Practice’ is that; first and foremost it immediately and infallibly prevents and eliminates the principle or core symptom of alcoholism generally known as ‘impaired control’[18b,18c] or loss of control [9] along with subduing or dispelling its biological drink desire (appetite) or the ‘craving’.* [19g] Its underlying physical/biological laws are so impregnable that no one can “truly” deny it! To make this absolutely certain, here we openly challenge to the entire alcohol dependence research study, prevention therapy treatment, health care providing establishments, to bring in any number of their chronic alcohol dependent people listed under the ICD-10[1] or DSM-IV[2] diagnostic norm, also confirmed under their AUDIT[3b, 3c, 3ca], MAST, CAGE and other Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS) instruments [8b, 8k, 8K] guidelines. Now let them demonstrate or prove any of their alcohol dependence listed or classified people still continues to remain or retain the alcohol dependence in following our ZAD Clinical Therapy and its Practice! At the same time we challenge to demonstrate and prove that every single of this alcohol ‘dependence’ people will entirely get rid of their alcohol ‘dependence’, alcoholism and completely get cured of it while they still continue drinking alcohol by following this ZAD practice! By all these accounts, there basically remains nothing more for us to prove about it! In fact the only thing that it essentially requires is to “disprove” its primary physical facts by those who basically reject it. To corroborate with this challenge we are also offering an “1100$ Alcoholic Reward” as our pledge to anyone concerned, to come forward and disprove the ‘ZAD practice’. So that the concerned authorities (or any one) in the establishments can examine, test and verify its irrefutable, infallible, and impregnable primary physical facts that we present as its unassailable basic evidence! If no one comes forward and able to disprove or refute it then the fact itself should be treated as the major endorsement and the evidence on behalf of the ZAD model.

To sum up this broad summery briefly in one paragraph: The ZAD model in this research paper [19b] complying with the establishments own “terminologies” now on the concrete basis of its Therapy/Practice/Policy, its facts findings empirical evidence together with its “1100$ Alcoholic Reward” promulgation basically challenges and indicts the establishments alcohol “dependence” (alcoholism) research study documents publications, prevention and treatment models or doctrines as a whole, as disregardful of the peoples natural biological drink (thirst, taste, and the stomach) satiety desire, involved in their alcohol beverage drinking and its “dependence”; and claim that such narrow-minded, one-sided drug desire bigoted alcoholism doctrines and dogmas are in fact responsible for much of the World Alcoholism Mess or the mayhem that we face today. The principle message of its “ZAD model” is very simple and clear: it basically contends that it can infallibly prove that it can completely eliminates and cure the alcohol dependence its syndrome or alcoholism while the person still continues to drink alcohol under this ZAD alcohol drinking method or condition, while NONE of the establishments alcohol dependence treatment therapies could accomplish it! This indisputably proves that the ZAD model is far superior to the establishment alcohol dependence (alcoholism) prevention and treatments models in every respect!

Finally at the closing stages of this summary, I request to our readers not misunderstand us. We don’t question the establishment’s all the good intentions and the best efforts also the innumerable positive results of their alcohol dependence prevention and treatments. This paper never intends to disrespect them in any way! We fully acknowledge their great contributions in the prevention and treatments of alcoholism that undeniably saves, obviously billions of cost burden to the world nations, prevents hundreds of millions of people from the deadly clutches of alcohol dependence and millions from their fatal demise! However, unfortunately their one-sided (narrow-minded) approach to rescue the people from the clutches of alcohol dependence, sloppily falls victim and gets lost (at least a part of it) to their own ignorance of the major prevention treatment and complete cure aspect of alcohol dependence; as they totally disregard the peoples primary natural “drink desire satiety” aspect involved in the alcohol drinking and its dependence! In other words, while dogmatically hanging onto their most ancient ‘total abstinent’ solution they completely fail to recognize or understand its equally most ancient natural alternative, a simple, safe, inexpensive and enjoyable (pleasurable) lower alcoholic beverage drinking technique (method, strategy, approach) in the prevention and treatment of the alcohol dependence.

At the end, on the grounds of the world health humanitarian principles, constitution; “to promote and protect the health of all peoples”[3q] we challenge the worlds leading health concerns particularly the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS), their components[6,18] involved in the alcoholism research its prevention treatment therapies; to come forward and prove their above mentioned alcohol dependence ‘syndrome’ diagnosis or their alcoholism symptom doctrines, dictums, precepts that ultimately culminates into their dogma of “Total Abstinence” (1, 2…3b..7a…9..18b..] now under the concrete grounds of the ZAD therapy/practice. In fact, our first principle demand with concerned departments is; to repudiate or disprove our ZAD clinical therapy and the practice[19c] and take away its “Reward”! If not, then we implore them to include this ZAD therapy/practice and the policy in their prevention and treatment programs [3c, 3ca, 8e, ..10b, c,..] If followed, it will certainly prevent and eliminate at least a significant portion of the ongoing alcohol dependence or alcoholism problems[3d, 3f, 3g, 3h, 3n, 8e, 8g, 8n, 13, 14a…] in our world today. All this may seem most difficult to understand or to believe for the establishments authorities but it could prove to be equally True!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

SMAR A Breakthrough Statement.

Here is an important Statement that I would like to make.

My present Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR) pursuit is fundamentally different from my earlier ZAD research findings and it venture. The ZAD is a research "finding" regarding the alcoholism prevention treatment and its cure, while the SMAR is a research misconduct "allegation" report.

Although the SMAR is born out of the ZAD research findings, nevertheless it is a major BREAKTHROUGH!

This is why I created this new website, blog quite separate from the old website, blog.

At present the pursuit of this SMAR is most important for me than the ZAD venture. However sometimes they overlap on each other.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Scientific Misconduct In Alcohol Research(SMAR): SUMMARY


The alcohol research reports, literatures, promulgations in general basically asserts that “alcohol” drinking causes many health problems, disorders, diseases and specially the “dependence” particularly in those people who are prone (vulnerable, predisposed) to alcoholism problems, irrespective of the alcohol content in the drink that they consume high or low. In fact the low-alcohol drinks that come under the purview of the alcoholic beverage licensing and other “drinking” legislation, considered as equally dangerous. Even the alcoholic beverages containing around 0.5% alcohol (v/v) declared as potentially dangerous particularly for the people having the alcohol dependence. However in my research study on this matter I found out that almost all of the above mentioned alcohol research reports, empirical, clinical, epidemiological studies, surveys fundamentally seems to have conducted or based on the people consuming those high-alcohol content beverages designated as the “Standard Alcohol Drinks”. The most popular among them is the “standard beer” drink, which contains around 4.5% alcohol (v/v). Meanwhile, all these “alcohol research” seems to have totally ignore to verify or to check it out whether all these alcohol use disorder, dependence, diseases, alcoholism problems, really occurs in the people who prefer, choose or opt to drink the low-alcohol drinks (say containing around 2% or less alcohol v/v). This principle “omission”, negligence or failure to conduct research on this most critical of the Alcohol (low) drinks, in my opinion brings in a basic default or “falsification” into this entire alcohol research, which under the Principles of “Ethics in Science” is defined as a Scientific or the Research (Updated on: 13-6-2007)


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Alcohol Research Misconduct: In One Paragraph

Alcohol Research Misconduct
In One Paragraph

Let me briefly explain this “scientific/research misconduct” in one paragraph. --- The alcoholism prevention, treatment research institutions promulgations basically assert that: 'opting for low-alcohol drinks in order to prevent or eliminate alcoholism cannot succeed or such attempts bound to fail (due to the "loss or impaired control” symptom of the "alcohol dependence") if the people try it'. However in my search in this subject matter I found that they do not have any such fundamental academic research evidence to prove it. -- This “omission” in the alcohol research brings in a basic default or “falsification” into this entire alcoholism prevention treatment research so becomes a “scientific/research misconduct” on the part of the authorities.


Scientific Misconduct Web-site:

Presentation of All & Full Documents of:
Scientific Misconduct Web-site

A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR)
Part I

Valerian Texeira.

This is my reporting in good faith about a major “Scientific/Research Misconduct” carried out by the world’s leading health institutions, particularly the WHO and the USDHHS in regard to their health promulgations publications or on the matters of ‘alcohol (substance) dependence’. Its ‘legacy’ can be seen clearly in their textbook science literatures (ICD-10 and DSM-IV among others). However, the roots of this scientific misconduct (falsification) are so widespread and EMBEDDED deeply in most of the research reports dealing with “alcohol” use disorders, dependence, alcoholism problems that gets published in the peer-reviewed journals ‘inherits’ this basic research falsification (omission) more or less! Therefore it is not fair to single out only the two above-mentioned health institutions and the two books. They may have borrowed it mainly from those journals and they in turn accepted it from the research scientists working in the prestigious Universities/Colleges, academic institutions, which in turn employed in their students education that once again goes back into the new alcohol research pool. It all seems to be going round into a vicious circle. However, it is mainly in the Textbook Science and its related alcohol research literatures of these two (WHO and USDHHS) institutions’ promulgations that the EVIDENCE of this research misconduct appears more “pronounced” that I mainly deal in this first part.

The principle Textbook Science literature that I am alleging here can be found in the above-mentioned institutions endorsed promoted, sponsored alcohol research reports promulgations, publications, especially dealing with alcohol "Dependence". This includes the ICD-10 and DSM-IV and other such literatures, which diagnoses people as alcohol dependents. Its primary or principal symptom described as the “impaired (loss of) control”. In my deeper investigation into these alcohol research, I found that it basically contains “FALSIFICATION” in its essence when it asserts or advocates that: ‘if the alcohol “dependent” (alcoholic) people start consuming any alcoholic beverages then they do not succeed if they attempt to cut down their alcohol consumption, as the consequence not able to come out of the dependence’. (This is why “total abstinence” is said to be the only treatment recovery option for the people diagnosed with alcohol dependence.) However, so far to my search on this matter I found NO such clinical, experimental, epidemiological, survey study documentations reports in the institutions’ entire research record database to prove this principle tenet of alcohol dependence in regard to the low-alcoholic beverage consumption. This principle “OMISSION” or the negligence in this alcoholism research, or in its conduct in fact ‘seriously deviates from the practices or conducts that are commonly accepted within the scientific community for proposing, conducting, or reporting the academic research’. It can be pointed mainly as a falsification in the conduct of research, which under the principles of Ethics in Science, broadly termed as Scientific Misconduct or distinctly as the ‘research misconduct’ under the US. PHS Part 93.

Most importantly, I appealed to the leading ‘alcohol research institutions’ to scrutinize or investigate the subject matter several times to which they refused to oblige or not responded at all. Now I am challenging those authority under their own research misconduct policy to show me the fundamental “frontier science” primary, empirical epidemiological alcohol research to refute my above-mentioned scientific misconduct allegation on their “Textbook science and its related Primary, Secondary alcohol Research Literatures”. Further, I am asking them if they have any such basic clinical research (preferably, fulfilling the criterion or conditions of the “Zero Alcohol Drink- Alcohol Detoxification Clinical Therapy” {ZAD-ADCT} the treatment proposal given in my “Alcoholics Curewell” website), which nevertheless conforms to their above mentioned alcohol dependence promulgations. In that case, I will immediately withdraw this allegation with due apologies. However, if they don’t have the appropriate clinical empirical research evidence or data, then they should conduct an immediate inquiry and a thorough investigation into this matter. Most importantly to prevent any further harm damage to the public health also to protect the reputations and avoid all the unnecessary misunderstanding, defamation, hurt on all the sides.

If the authorities do not have the above-mentioned alcohol research evidence (as I found it out) then my findings confirm to be true. This will raise several fundamental questions on alcoholism. First of all, does alcohol in the drink really or to what extent trigger the “impaired (loss of) control” symptom or episode in the people who have been diagnosed so far as having alcohol dependence? Or, is it primarily due to the dangerously high alcohol content of the beverages designated as the “Standard Alcohol Drinks”? This also questions the ethics or wisdom of the researchers who formulated the Controlled Alcohol Drinking Guidelines based on such a treacherous “standard alcohol drinks”. Did they follow the safety standards, precautions to include the low-alcohol content beverage in their moderate, safe controlled drinking stipulations in order to safeguard or protect the people who are prone to alcohol use disorders, especially its dependence? Did they consult the low-alcohol content beverage licensing legislatures benchmarks before formulating these alcohol drink standards? If not, what is the reason for not following these responsible conduct in this research? This also brings into question the alcohol policy makers’ ethical responsibility in allowing such a high alcohol content standard alcohol drink public consumption without conducting proper research to find out, if choosing (opting) between the high or low alcohol drinks make any fundamental difference in causing or preventing the alcohol use disorders particularly its dependence or the alcoholism problems among the alcohol drinking population? Finally a basic question: does the alcoholism problems and the mayhem it creates (at least a significant portion of it) in our world happen mainly because of the falsification in these health institutions’ century-old “alcoholism” Textbook Science and its related Secondary, Primary Research Literatures Falsification? My biggest concern, fear or the nightmare of this entire matter is; as a result of this basic alcohol research omission, hundreds of millions of alcohol afflicted people in the world today continue to suffer immensely, million of them die years after years, its economic cost or the burden to the worlds nations may be accounted in trillions of dollars (not to mention those billions of dollars spent on the alcohol research). Anyhow, there is a urgent need for an extensive and comprehensive experimental/clinical research to find out the outcome of the low-alcohol drinking in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism, which the concerned institutions seems to have ignored or failed to take up so far.

My quest started in the year1998 when I first discovered that by opting to drink the low-alcohol drink, successfully removed my fast 15 years of chronic alcohol dependence, which I later named as the Zero Alcohol Drink (ZAD) method. From there began my mission to share the information of my findings, experience with the people concerned also to study and to know more on this subject matter. Thereafter in the year 2000 I was able to publish its book titled: “A Scientific Method to Minimize Alcohol: THE ZERO ALCOHOL DRINK THEORY”. It is in the year 2003, ‘Alcoholics Curewell’ website: < > was hosted. In the year 2004 and 2005 two of my most important alcohol research papers that far, added and still available in that site. However, my great “break-through” finding of this alcohol research misconduct by the leading alcohol institutions came in the year 2006. First I conceived it as the “Medical Malpractice”, (I have brought out a paper in this title name earlier) then it is somewhere middle in the month July as a result of my continued study, inquiry, investigation on this matter I learned that the “SCIENTIFIC MISCONDUCT” or the Research Misconduct is the appropriate term to use in this contest so that it may get the proper attention of the people and the authorities concerned.

Finally, I would like to conclude this SM Allegation Report (Part I) with an IMPPORTANT clarification. My allegation of scientific misconduct involves not only the “alcohol dependence” Textbook Science literatures, it also quite naturally involve all its related secondary, primary research literatures dealing with the alcohol use disorders, abuse, dependence, disease or the alcoholism problems. Most importantly it involves all those Universities/Colleges, who use these alcoholism prevention research literatures in their education, especially the Health/Medical institutions who employ them in their research, study prevention, treatment programs. Of course the matter of its research omission becomes more pronounced in the alcohol “DEPENDENCE” research literature and that’s why I mainly name it. Nevertheless almost all the “alcohol use disorders” research literatures more or less inherit this research omission or the “falsification”. All of it requires a more thorough exposition, which I would explain in the second part of this report coming next.


In the first part I promised to present a thorough exposition to show how this Scientific/Research Misconduct Allegation “going to apply” more or less to all those Institutions, Journals, University/Colleges involved in the education research, prevention and treatments of the “alcohol” use disorders, abuse, dependence, diseases, or the alcoholism problems. Here under the Principles of Ethics in Science, I delve into the part II of this : “A Major Scientific Misconduct allegation Report”.

First of all let me begin it with an analogy, which may help us to understand this issue better from a different perspective. Take for instance the substance TOBACCO; its “Use” causes major health problems among the world population. People are constantly warned that all Tobacco smoking i.e. Cigarettes, Cigars, Beedies (a small amount of tobacco wrapped in a dry leaf for smoking) etc., causes many health problems, chronic diseases including the lung cancer. All the Textbook Science and its related Research Literatures dealing on this matter gives basic testimony to this. Even the passive smoking proclaimed as dangerous to health.

Now just imagine a person researching on the matters of tobacco smoking and the lung cancer for some years finally finds out that all the lung cancer research reports, which had been attributed to the tobacco smoking seems to happens only to those who smoking cigarettes and the cigars. On the other hand he (or she) finds absolutely NO research reports that confirms people getting the lung cancer as a result of their Beedy (B) smoking! This coupled with some other facts gives raise to the deep suspicion that there has been a major breach or falsification in this Tobacco smoking research. Therefore in a good faith he writes and sends this SM allegation report to many of those authorities concerned in this matter, requesting them to initiate, undertake an enquiry and investigation into it.

Now what would happen if there appears such a SM allegation, questioning the fundamental link between the Beedi smoking and the lung cancer! Hundreds of those people would had immediately responded to the accuser strongly refuting his SM allegation by sending as many research references clearly showing the evidence of the Beedi smoking causing the lung cancer and so many other diseases. Some may have even invited him to the hospital to meet those thousands of patient suffering with the chronic illnesses undoubtedly caused by their B. smoking! However instead if they tell him; nobody in their institution engages in such Beedy smoking research to see whether it causes the lung cancer, therefore they are not liable to enquire or investigate into this SM allegation, then it give raise to a strong suspicion or indication that basically they do not have any research evidences to refute the SM allegation!

Now from the Tobacco analogy let me come back to my real Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR). Despite their differences Alcohol and the Tobacco share many common traits, properties and global characteristics. Moreover if their “use problems” (disorders, abuse, dependence, diseases) research gets involved in the research falsification (omission, absence, negligence) or the scientific misconduct allegation then their comparison becomes strikingly similar. Here let me compare those major points. It is very well known that the “use” of the substance Alcohol like the Tobacco causes many major health problems in the world population. People are severely warned that alcohol drinks; liquor (spirit), wine, beer or any alcoholic beverages can cause many health problems, disorders particularly the dependence and other alcoholism problems including the chronic diseases, irrespective of the alcohol content in it high or low. All the textbook science literatures dealing on this matter gives basic testimony to this. Even those low-alcoholic beverages containing around 0.5% alcohol (v/v) clearly comes under the alcoholic beverages licensing legislations considered as potentially dangerous especially for people with alcohol dependence.

In this prevailing situation after researching for some eight years on the alcohol or alcoholism problems I finally found out that all the alcohol dependence cases happens to those who have been drinking those high alcohol content beverages sprits, wines, or beers, designated as the Standard Alcohol Drinks. The most popular among them are the ‘standard drink beer’ containing around 4.5% alcohol (v/v), which is considered to be equally (if not more) dangerous especially for those vulnerable or susceptible to alcohol use disorders or the dependence. However on the other hand there I find NO fundamental clinical, empirical research, study, survey reports of people who prefer, choose or opt to consume the low-alcohol drinks, say containing 2% or less alcohol (v/v) in it, becoming alcohol dependents. This finding coupled with some other facts gave raise in me a deep suspicion that there seems to be a major textbook science breach or falsification going-on in this field. Therefore in a good faith I wrote its allegation report and sent it to many of those first mentioned Universities, Institutions, Journals requesting them to initiate and enquiry and investigation into this SMAR.

Among those few who cared enough to respond to my first SMAR seems to say in essence that they are not liable or responsible for it in any way because it does not mentions the names of any members of their institution engage in such low-alcohol drinking research in regard to the Alcohol Use Disorders or the alcohol Dependence. Thereby, they seem to tell me that the right way for me is to find out the university or the research institution where the researcher who first conducted the empirical research establishing the clear evidence of the low-alcohol drinks causing the alcohol dependence. Now apart from it being a basic misunderstanding or misconception (knowingly or unknowingly) of this SM Allegation on their part, it is also quite impossible or a hopeless suggestion to me. Because there seems no record of the research institution, neither the researcher who first established the clear link between the low-alcohol drinking and the dependence. It may have happened long years ago, perhaps a century old. But in the given state of affairs I strongly suspects that such a concrete research clinical or epidemiological NEVER had been undertaken at all! It is possible that it may be mostly due to some preposterous prejudiced thinking or a pigment of some old generation researchers imagination or a MYTH, which some how got into the textbook science literature and now firmly established in there, thereby has corrupted, defected or breached the entire research literatures connected with alcohol or alcoholism problems! However no one now wants to take the responsibility to undertake inquiry or investigation into this matter saying: it is not their responsibility or it does not come under their jurisdiction or whatever reasons. The greatest irony of this entire matter is under the principles of “Ethics in Science” the authorities seem to learn or know only the common “research misconduct” but NOT the monstrous “scientific misconduct” that could happen in the “Textbook Science and its related Secondary, Primary research Literatures”.

Meanwhile looking deep into all these research once again it became very clear to me that this research falsification or the misconduct allegation “quite naturally” applies more or less to all those research reports literatures, documentations dealing with alcohol or alcoholism problems. Because fundamentally all those alcohol use disorders, abuse, dependence even the chronic diseases research reports, epidemiological surveys based almost exclusively on those who have been drinking the standard alcohol drinks, on the other hand there exists NO fundamental or concrete clinical, experimental, controlled study, surveys, research, reports, which suggests that people who prefer, choose or opt to drink the low-alcoholic beverages, (say containing 2% or less alcohol) becoming victims of any of the alcohol use disorders, abuse, dependence or its associated chronic diseases.

Here I anticipate that some people may try to counter my SMAR arguing; all the alcohol use disorder alcoholism problems research literatures in their essence indeed always indicates that low-alcohol drinks do not cause any such alcohol problems! In this connection they may point to the fact of “Controlled” or “Moderate” Drinking (CMD), equals to consuming the Low-Alcohol Drinks (LAD)! Now let me answer; the alcohol beverages in general have their own different properties, characteristics, identities or entities. The alcohol in the drink is perhaps a very important but not the only one important component of the beverage. In fact only a very small portion of the drink contains alcohol and the rest of it contains great many properties in qualities and quantities according to the drinkers appetite, taste and preferences. Most of the times it comes as a fully packaged finished product. It does not come in a pure form like the sugar or the salt, meant to finally mixed in those different kinds of beverages. There are many fundamental differences between consuming “less alcohol”(CMD) and consuming the Low-Alcohol Drinks. The LAD is the integral/internal part, content or the “being” of that drink. While the CMD is mainly about any alcohol-drinking environment, irrespective of the alcohol content in the drink; high or low! However the most fundamental difference between them become obvious when it comes to the diagnosis of the alcohol dependence in which the alcohol research literatures claims that the alcohol dependents (alcoholics) in general are incapable of the “Controlled or the Moderate Drinking”. However there are no such research reports, which claims that the alcohol dependents (alcoholics) incapable of the Low-Alcohol Beverage Drinking. Therefore it becomes very clear that the CMD and the LAD are fundamentally different. This is why in this Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report, I ultimately point to the alcohol dependence to show the clear distinction at the end.

This Copy last Revised and Updated. (Revised and updated 16nd June 2007)
© Copyright 2006. Valerian Texeira. All rights of this publication reserved by the author.

Please Note:- Here below is the Copy of my final correspondence to the NIAAA Director requesting him (time and again) to reply to my SMAR. Also most importantly pointing out the alcohol research literatures (and its researchers) in the NIAAA that I allege containing the research falsification or the misconduct.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, Date: - 21st December 2006. To; Ting-Kai Li, M.D
DirectorNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
NIAAA5635 Fishers Lane, MSC 9304
BethesdaBethesda, MD 20892-9304. USA.

Dear Sir,

Sub:- Sending “A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report ”, to which you have not sent any response so far. Hereby once again sending its combined copy now in this correspondence providing more details including some of the names of NIAAA’s research publications and the researchers coming under its purview, with a hope that you may see the importance and seriousness of this matter under the PHS Policies on Research Misconduct. 42 C.F.R. Part 93 and its related federal regulations. Intimation of A major “Conflict of Interest” present in this issue.

Along with this email attachment # 1, also sending its connected document attachment # 2., “A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report (Part I & II Combined). The main purpose of this (# 1) correspondence is to provide more details and to point out some of the names of those NIAAA’s research publications and the researchers to show how they come under the purview of this Major Scientific or Research Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR). However first of all let me explain the central theme this SMAR briefly in essence in the following Simple terms: -

‘The alcohol research reports, literatures in general basically asserts that “alcohol” drinking causes many health problems, disorders, diseases specially the “dependence” particularly in those people who are prone to alcoholism problems, irrespective of the alcohol content in the drink that they consume, high or low. In fact the low-alcohol drinks that come under the purview of the alcoholic beverage licensing legislation considered as equally dangerous. Even the alcoholic beverages containing around 0.5% alcohol (v/v) declared as potentially dangerous particularly for the people having the alcohol dependence. However in my research study on this matter I just found out that almost all of the above mentioned alcohol research reports, clinical, empirical, epidemiological studies, surveys etc., fundamentally seems to have conducted or based on the people consuming those high-alcohol content beverages designated as the “Standard Alcohol Drinks”. The most popular among them is the “standard beer” drink, which contains around 4.5% alcohol (v/v). Meanwhile, all these “alcohol research” seems to have totally ignore to verify or to check it out whether all these Alcohol Use Disorders(AUD), dependence, diseases, alcoholism problems, really occurs in the people who prefer, choose or opt to drink the low-alcohol drinks (say containing around 2% or less alcohol v/v). This principle “omission”, negligence or failure to conduct research on this most critical of the Alcohol (low) drinks, in my opinion brings in a basic default or “falsification” into this entire alcohol research, which under the Principles of “Ethics in Science” is defined as a Scientific or the Research Misconduct.’

I had sent this SMAR and its preceding information to you (NIAAA Director) long before in many of my correspondence including a Registered post (dated 15th July 2006) and more recently in a email attachment in two parts on 18th and 19th of October. However you have not responded to it at all, not even sent a acknowledgement receipt to it. Now I believe this amount to a possible misconduct or a blatant disregard to the PHS Policies on Research Misconduct. 42 C.F.R. Parts 93, including the “A Whistleblower's Bill of Rights, c, d, e., and other federal regulations. In this regard I am considering taking this issue to the Director of the US Office of Research Integrity (ORI). However before that this my try once again to approach you with more details hoping it may persuade you to freshly look into this matter.

Now first of all the most important thing to know about this Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report” is that, it is mainly about the Research Misconduct or Falsification in a Textbook Science and its related (Secondary and primary) Research Literatures (TBSRL). When it is uncovered it had already spreads over or infected all those Institutions/Universities who use or employ them in their education especially the researchers conducting the research connected with its subject matter. If the research misconduct in TBSRL happened recently then the number of Universities/Institutions its members, researchers and the literatures that it involves probably less. However if it had occurred long years back then it will probably implicate, involve or infects all those who are using or employing it, hundreds of Universities/Institutions, thousands of those researchers and hundreds of thousands of their research reports. As the years pass on, it becomes more and more obscure difficult to trace-back and identify the original primary, empirical research literature (root-report), which (or who) is the progenitor that had spawned all these research falsification that we see today in those TBSRL. Perhaps its original primary research is many decades even a century old therefore all its research records were lost! However the most terrifying scenario could be that such a primary research had NEVER been undertaken or conducted at all! It is possible that it may be mostly due to some preposterous prejudiced thinking or a pigment of some old generation researchers imagination or a MYTH, which some how got into the textbook science literature and now firmly established in there, thereby has corrupted, defected or breached the entire research literatures connected with alcohol or alcoholism problems! Due to all these historical probabilities associated with the TBSRL, it is not possible for me to provide the name of its original research report and the researcher(s) who first responsible for this Scientific Misconduct. It is only possible for me now to point out all those research literatures in general, which more or less INHERITED this research falsification that I see today in the institutions publications. In my SMAR (Part II) I have briefly attempted to explain it and now these extra details to draw your further attention into this matter.

Another equally important thing to know about this TBSRL as I understand is that due to the vast number (hundreds and thousands) of Institutions/Universities, researchers, and the literatures that it involved or connected with this Scientific Misconduct Allegation in some way or the other, it is almost impossible task to catch up and write down all those names in such a short SMAR. It is also infeasible because the Textbook Science and its “Secondary” Literatures mainly comes as the summary or collection of several research reports fragments put together into this central pool of the general scientific knowledge literature. In which one finds reference after reference of the research reports and its researcher names but no one of them can clearly claim its credit or responsibility as a whole. Take for example the USDHHS publication: ‘10th Special Report to the US. Congress on alcohol and Health’- Highlights from Current Research June 2000 publication. Or the NIAAA’s publications; Alcohol Alert, Pamphlets, FAQ These are some examples of such Textbook Science or the Secondary Research literatures. In such research literatures it is mainly the Institution/Universities who publish it becomes its authority as its name credit goes to them but at the same time (in my humble opinion) the responsibility to conduct enquiry, investigations in the case of its research misconduct also falls upon them.

It is based on these TBSRL studies, the oncoming researchers submit their research grant applications to venture further into its next empirical or primary research. So if there is already a basic Research falsification in these TBSRL then it will be carried forward (inherited) into all its further research reports if they are not careful. It will go round and round into this “vicious circle” as I have mentioned it in the beginning of my SMAR (Part I) so does all those researchers come under its purview more or less. Given all these intricacies present in the TBSRL of this SMAR, I can point out (in this correspondence) only some of the names of the NIAAA’s alcohol research and the researchers conducting its primary, empirical research on the basis of this TBSRL at this latest stage.

As we all know NIAAA is the leading, perhaps the ‘Number One’ Institution in the world overseeing the alcohol or the alcoholism problems handling and conducting most of its research , study, publications, trainings, grants, funding, prevention, treatment and other programs. A most proficient way to know, study and to participate in it is through its website < >. As you enter into its home page first comes its “Publication” <> section. In some of these alcohol research publications, the research falsification (omission, negligence, absence) appears more pronounced or conspicuous but in most it remains very much illusive, obscure or inconspicuous. That is why I often use the word “More or Less” when I point it out.

Now let me point out the first two of the NIAAA’s Publications; : 1). Alcohol Alert 2). Alcohol Research and Health’ , as most important among all. (Of course the rest of the publications have their own significance including the Pamphlets, Broachers, FAQ, Extramural, intramural, clinical research. However I cannot delve into all those details in here.) The Alcohol Alert is the Quarterly Bulletin of NIAAA its articles published in the year 2006; No 70, 69, 68, 67, gets my Prior attention because apart from it being the TBSRL it also contains the most recent articles, which mainly deal with the subject matter of the ‘Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol”. Its most important corresponding part provided in the ‘Alcohol Research & Health’, which is the NIAAA’s most prestigious quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal. The ‘Alcohol Epidemiological Surveys’ is most important because it is considered as the central discipline in any research as it lays down the foundation on which the entire research on this public health is rests upon. Therefore if one finds a basic default, omission, neglect or absence in one of the fundamental category (criterion, component, variable) of the Epidemiological research, then it critically impacts on the entire research study as this breach or the flaw can cause the entire research structure to collapse. However given the limit of this correspondence let me point out only one of its “issue” the ‘National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions: Selected Findings’ Volume 29, Number 2, 2006. .

There are a total of 8 research reports in this entire issue with the following titles and its researchers All of them more or less come under the purview of my SMAR, their names I mentions in the following:

74 Introduction to the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol Related Conditions.. Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Deborah A. Dawson, Ph.D.
79 The 12-Month Prevalence and Trends in DSM-IV Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: United States, 1991-1992 and 2001-2002.
Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., Ph.D., Deborah A. Dawson, Ph.D., Frederick S. Stinson, Ph.D., S. Patricia Chou, Ph.D., Mary C. Dufour, M.D., M.P.H., and Roger P. Pickering, M.S.

94 Comorbidity Between DSM-IV Alcohol and Specific Drug Use Disorders in the United States: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Condition. Frederick S. Stinson, Ph.D., Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., Ph.D., Deborah A. Dawson, Ph.D., W. June Ruan, M.A., Boji Huang, and Tulshi Saha

107. Prevalence and Co-Occurrence of Substance Use Disorders and Independent Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., Ph.D., Frederick S. Stinson, Ph.D., Deborah A. Dawson, Ph.D., S. Patricia Chou, Ph.D., Mary C. Dufour, M.D., M.P.H., Wilson Compton, M.D., Roger P. Pickering, M.S., Kenneth Kaplan

121. Co-Occurrence of 12-Month Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders and Personality Disorders in the United States: Results From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., Ph.D., Frederick S. Stinson, Ph.D., Deborah A. Dawson, Ph.D., S. Patricia Chou, Ph.D., W. June Ruan, M.A., and Roger P. Pickering, M.S.

131. Recovery From DSM-IV Alcohol Dependence: United States, 2001-2002. Deborah A. Dawson, Ph.D., Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., Ph.D., Frederick S. Stinson, Ph.D., Patricia S. Chou, Ph.D., Boji Huang, and W. June Ruan, M.A.

143. Twelve-Month Prevalence and Changes in Driving After Drinking: United States, 1999-1992 and 2001-2002 S. Patricia Chou, Ph.D., Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D., Ph.D., Deborah A. Dawson, Ph.D., Frederick S. Stinson, Ph.D., Tulshi Saha, and Roger P. Pickering, M.S.

152 NESARC Findings on Alcohol Abuse and Dependence. Raul Caetano, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.

This above ‘National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions: (NESARC) Selected Findings’ is a collection of an extensive alcohol epidemiological research survey, which covers an estimated (unprecedented) 43,093 people belonging to almost every important category, criterion, variables: Age, Sex, Race, Education, Occupation, Employment, Martial status, Medical History, Nutrition etc. It goes into every main aspect of alcohol and its related conditions, AUD, abuse, dependence, drink driving, it surveys the alcohol problems form many angles; Co-morbidity, Co-occurrence Personality-Disorders and many more. Conducted between 1991-1992 and 2001-2002. In its final analysis it estimates 17.6 million Americans afflicted with the AUD’s, which includes mainly the abuse and dependence. This survey seems to takes into account every important aspect of the ‘ALCOHOL-USE’, however when it come to the fundamental topics of these afflicted peoples choice, preference or actual consumption of ‘high’ or ‘low’ alcohol drinks, the omission or absence of this category becomes very evident! It simply does not have the fundamental alcohol research survey to show how many number or percentage of people in this 17.6 million population really come under category of drinking or consuming the low-alcohol drinks (LAD). When it comes close to the matters of the “alcohol use” particularly the “alcohol drink” all these researchers immediately jump on to the question of counting on how many standard alcohol drinks (spirit, wine, beer etc.) these people were consuming per day, week month even in a year, without caring to see how many of each of these standard alcohol drinks contains the low-alcohol content AT ITS CONSUMPTION LEVELS. It is mainly because of their preposterous, prejudiced belief that; ‘all alcohol drinks in general cause the AUD, dependence or the alcoholism problems irrespective of the alcohol content in then high or low’! Therefore, they are not at all bothered to look into that subject. All their research mostly preoccupied with the various aspects different manifestations of AUD, dependence, alcoholism problems caused by the alcohol drinking so its prevention and treatment but at the same time they all simply neglect or fail to see, whether these AUD etc., alcoholism problems genuinely caused by all the alcohol drinks or it is only specific to those (standard) alcohol drinks having the alcohol content over and above a given margin or limit. Now in this connection let me ask one of its basic question to every one of the alcohol researchers in the NIAAA that I asked many of the Institutions/Universities alcohol researchers, authorities, members before: When the NIAAA’s documents, literatures, publications research reports and those researchers notify or promulgate about such "alcohol" use disorders, abuse, dependence diseases and the related problem; especially now in this “Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol Related Conditions” which 'alcohol' do they really referring to? Is it the drink or the beverages containing the high-alcohol content or the low-alcohol content? Or is it irrespective of the alcohol content in the drink high or low? Did your “Alcohol Research and Health” < > ever bother or care to carry out these research on the Low-alcohol content beverages (which I have extensively described in my SM Report Part I & II) to find out whether any or how many of their alcohol afflicted people come under the category of drinking the low-alcohol drinks. In other words whether those alcohol drinkers who prefer, choose or opt for these 'low-alcohol drinks" equally or evidently (as well) fall into the alcohol use disorders, abuse, dependence etc., problems promulgated in your main NIAAA <> Web site?

Now I am not alleging only the above mentioned research reports and its researchers as coming under the purview of my SMAR, neither do they stand at the front row of being accused of committing this research falsification. Here I can say only one thing for certain that they are Only the Tip of The Iceberg! The major portion of it remains hidden below the surface. Its big segments are the DSM-IV, AUDIT, Standard Alcohol Drink, etc., (US alcohol research is my main focal point in here), of-course the NIAAA research programs stands at its forefront.

Lastly, let me come to the “Conflict of Interest”, present in this issue. Here I am afraid to say that I suspect that this is the main reason that you (NIAAA’s Director) not responding to this SMAR. As I mentioned before, the entire alcohol research field comes under the purview of this SMAR, therefore many of these leading alcoholism authorities and its researchers obviously see it as their fundamental adversary as it basically questions their research integrity fundamental beliefs, convictions, ideas about the AUD, dependence or the alcoholism problems. Most importantly it will pose a major threat to their jobs, positions, research grants, funds and to their entire future professional career in this field. Therefore it is quite natural that majority of them do not take any interest in pursuing this SMAR. They mostly ignore, neglect and dismiss it. Probably many of them try to subversively manipulate, sabotage, suppress it. Some even go to the extent of blatantly threatening the whistleblower! (I say this based on some of my experience so far.) In this situation I strongly
suspect and afraid that it is due to the “Conflict of Interest” present in these matters that made you to totally ignore or neglect my SMAR to the extent not even sending a acknowledgement receipt.

Now finally, I would like to give the most important clarification of this entire SMAR. Even-though it basically contends that most of the alcohol/alcoholism researchers research coming under its purview, however it does not mean in any way that all those researchers are against or opposed to it. In fact I believe there are a numbers of researchers who see some very important or valid points (some have expressed it in their response) in the SMAR and they like to see a discerning, diligent fair assessment, enquiry, investigation, conducted into this entire matter. However for various reasons, as I understand, they don’t like to come forward themselves in pursuit of this matter. I also believe that there are people irrespective of their research or professional field ready to pursue this matter to find out the truth. However I assume they are very few and far in between. Here I can only try as much as I can to reach them. I am sending the copies of this correspondence to many members connected with “Research Programs” with a hope that some one there may guide me towards finding a satisfactory conclusion on this matter or at least help me in finding out the answer to my basic question on this whole issue; after-all Who are Responsible to Undertake, the Assessment, Enquiry Investigation into A Textbook Science and its Related Literatures (TBSRL) Research Falsification Scientific or Research Misconduct Allegation?


Valerian TexeiraAlcoholics CurewellSt. Joseph NagarMangalore - 575002 INDIA.


SMAR Whistleblower Complaint to ORI
Please Note:- Here below is the Copy of my main or primary SMAR Whistleblowers Complaint correspondence letter document to ORI Director.
Date : - January 2, 2007.
Chris B. Pascal J.D. from the University of Maryland
Director, Office of Research Integrity
ORI Division of Policy Education
5515 Security Lane, Suite 700
Rockville, MD 20852.

Dear Sir,

Sub:- This is a ‘Whistleblowers Complaint’, about a “blatant disregard,” or misconduct towards my good faith report of “A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation ”. The responsible Universities/Institutions members to whom I send it, not even returning an initial acknowledgement response to it, most importantly the NIAAA Director T.K.Li. All of them coming under the PHS Policies on Research Misconduct. 42 C.F.R. Part 93. Requesting your ORI to undertake a discerning investigation into this Whistleblowers Complaint.

Before getting into this “Whistleblower Complaint”, let me first briefly explain its preceding “A Major Scientific or Research Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR)”, briefly in essence in the following simple terms: -
‘The alcohol research reports, literatures in general basically asserts that “alcohol” drinking causes many health problems, disorders, diseases and specially the “dependence” particularly in those people who are prone to alcoholism problems, irrespective of the alcohol content in the drink that they consume, high or low. In fact the low-alcohol drinks that come under the purview of the alcoholic beverage licensing legislation considered as equally dangerous. Even the alcoholic beverages containing around 0.5% alcohol (v/v) declared as potentially dangerous particularly for the people having the alcohol dependence. However in my research study on this matter I just found out that almost all of the above mentioned alcohol research reports, clinical, empirical studies, surveys etc., fundamentally seems to have conducted or based on the people consuming those alcoholic beverages designated as the “Standard Alcohol Drinks”. The most popular among them is the “standard beer” drink, which contains around 4.5% alcohol (v/v). Meanwhile, all these “alcohol research” seems to have totally ignore to verify or to check it out whether all these alcohol use disorders, dependence, diseases, alcoholism problems, really occurs in the people who prefer, choose or opt to drink the low-alcohol drinks (say containing around 2% or less alcohol v/v). This principle “omission”, negligence or failure to conduct research on this most critical of the Alcohol (low) drinks, in my opinion brings in a basic default or “falsification” into this entire alcohol research, which under the Principles of “Ethics in Science” is defined as a Scientific or the Research Misconduct.’
Hereby, in this email attachment (# 1) sending the copy of its full report.

Uncovering of this Major Scientific Misconduct comes as a final result of my fast 8 years of research study as a whole. Thereupon in a good faith I wrote an extensive complaint called “A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report ” and send it (first in two parts) to those University/Colleges, “Institutions” (administrators, faculties or staff “members” addresses which I could reach, to bring it to the immediate notice of their institution assigned authorities in this matter.) who employ the above mentioned Textbook Science and its related secondary, primary alcohol Research Literatures substantially in their education, promulgation most importantly in their research, training etc. programs, requesting them to undertake the enquiry, investigation into this SMAR.

Now, the most important grievance that I would primarily like to bring to your notice particularly in this “Whistleblowers Complaint is that; the majority of those university/institutions members to whom I send this report simply ignore it to the extent that they don’t simply bother to send me even an initial acknowledgement response to it! This as I understand; basically violates the PHS 42 C.F.R. Part 93 policy of “responding to allegations of research misconduct” and its related regulations, guidelines laid down by national and international agencies including your Office of Research Integrity (ORI) monitoring the institutions handling or responding to the Research Misconduct Allegation. In my humble opinion, if the Institutions/University authorities don’t even “respond” first of all to a scientific/research misconduct allegation report/complaint, then the term “responding” to allegations of research misconduct” becomes absolutely meaningless if not ridicules!

In fact the National Institute of Health (NIH) “A Guide to the Handling of Scientific Misconduct Allegations in the Intramural Research Program at the NIH” ‘Allegation Assessment’ in this regard explicitly states “2) the allegation does not warrant an Inquiry, in which case the complainant will be notified in writing”. Also its further extension
<> ‘Intramural Research Program Plicies & Proceedures for Investigating Scientific Misconduct (Finalized 5/2/01)’ section: V-C. Assessment of Allegations and/or Information; in this regard explicitly states; “4) If no Inquiry is initiated, the complainant, if known, and anyone else who became aware of the allegations, will be notified in writing.”.
Although I could not find the exact clause in the PHS CFR Part 93; that particularly directs the Institutions members to send an acknowledgement to a SMAR. However, I strongly believe it is basically “implied” in the overall PHS Policy of Responding to the Research Misconduct
Allegation. In addition I would also like to mention the 42 C.F.R Part 50. 103 (d) (13), and its conforming to the PHS Act Part 493(e) in the protection of whistleblower for (1) ‘good faith allegations of an inadequate institutional response to scientific misconduct allegation’. Further on in “A Whistleblower’s Bill of Rights” Information clause (e) it states; “Institutions have a duty to elicit and evaluate fully and objectively information about concerns raised by whistleblowers”. This probably applies more to this unique and rare cases of the research misconduct in a Textbook Science and its related secondary, primary Research Literatures (TBSRL). Most importantly when such research misconduct uncovered by a concerned lay person living in far distance. Especially in this ‘Age of Internet’ in which many research reports made available and can be accessed, thereby any “misconduct” in it can be detected, observed, studied and can be reported from a long distance even from the other part of the world, through the “world-wide-web”. In which case the most proficient way to report it or to send its complaint is through the email. In such situations in my humble opinion the Institutions members have the prime duty to send the acknowledgement receipt or the response, in return to a Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report or the Complaint.

Now let me provide some of the names of those Institutions University members who have totally ignored my SMAR as not even returning an acknowledgement response to it; against whom I would like to file this Whistleblower Complaint with you. The most prominent among them is the Director of the National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Dr. Ting Kai Li., to whom I sent this SMAR, time and again but I see totally no response from him. The latest email correspondence I sent to him is dated 21st December 2006., which provides the extensive details of this entire matter. I am enclosing a copy of it in this email attachment # 2., I request you to consider it connected or integral part of this document so I need not repeat it all over once again.

The other institutions members that I would like to mention in here are the medical universities, colleges specially those who are involved in the alcohol research training programs but have totally ignored even to send an acknowledgement response to my SMAR, against whom I would like to file this Whistleblower Complaint with you. Only six of their names and addresses I give in the following:

Peter Monti, Ph.D., Fellowship: Research Training Program in Alcohol Treatment and , Early Intervention ResearchProfessor of Medical Science, Center for Alcohol & Addiction Studies, c/o Brown University Clinical Psychology Training ProgramBox G-BH, Providence, RI 02912., .

Andrew J. Saxon, M.D., Fellowship: University of Washington, Addiction Psychiatry Residence Program University of Washington,
VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Addictions Treatment Center (S116ATC), 1660 South Columbian Way Seattle, WA 98,108, .

Peter R. Martin, M.D., Fellowship: Alcohol Substance Abuse Research , Division of Addiction Medicine, Department of PsychiatryVanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232, .

Marie D. Cornelius, Ph.D., Fellowship: Alcohol Research Training Program Alcohol Research Training Program
Program in Epidemiology Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic 3811 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, .

Laura F. McNicholas, M.D., Ph.D., Fellowship: Clinical Research fellowship in Substance AbuseVA Medical Center, University of Pennsylvania, 3900 Chestnut, St. Philadelphia, PA 19104

Jack H. Mendelson, M.D., Fellowship: Drug Abuse Research Training Program, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research CenterMcLean Hospital, 115 Mill Street., Belmont, MA 02178, .

On the other hand, I should also inform you that quite a few number of these institutions authorities members indeed replied in response to my SMAR with some kind words. However to my dismay so far to my knowledge I see any one of them care much to follow any of the ‘fair or adequate procedure’ promised under the general principle policy while Responding to Research Misconduct Allegation laid down in the PHS CFR Part 93. However for the time being I do not want to connect that issue with this Whistleblowers Complaint. Here I only charge against those who have not even send an acknowledgement receipt in response to my SMAR. Nevertheless in the future I may be sending a separate Whistleblowers Complaint about the institutions unfair procedure towards this Scientific/Research Misconduct Allegation. However quite the other way round, I would like to also inform you that a very prestigious health magazine named ‘Health Action’ considered my SMAR very important that it had already published its two parts in its November and December Issues. If you like to know any more details on this regard, please let me know.

Finally in this “Whistleblowers Complaint”; hereby I request you to undertake a fair, diligent or discerning inquiry on those above mentioned institutions authorities who have not even sent an acknowledgement response to my “A Major Scientific/Research Misconduct Allegation Report”, under the PHS 42 C.F.R. Part 93 policy of Responding to allegations of research misconduct” and its other connected federal regulations mainly the “Whistleblower’s Bill of Rights”.

Valerian TexeiraAlcoholics CurewellSt. Joseph NagarMangalore - 575002 INDIA.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Please Note:- Here below is the Copy of my another email letter sent at the same time as the above letter to the ORI Director, at his email address.
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 9:26 PM
Chris B. Pascal J.D. from the University of Maryland
Director, Office of Research Integrity
1101Wootton Parkway, Suit 750
Rockville, Maryland 20852

Sub:- Re Scientific misconduct allegation 3606.

This is the first time I am writing to the name and address of "AskORI" and to the Director of Office of Research Integrity. regarding a whistleblowers complaint connected with a Scientific/Research Misconduct Allegation report.

However on the 29th of December 2006 I received a email from m/s Tracy Morgan telling me it was in response to my AskORI email of December 21. It was attached with a letter from: Director Division of Investigative Oversight, Office of Research Integrity. I was quite shocked to see a letter from the office of which main Director I am intending (yet) to write a serious complaint but suddenly I receive a preemptive and forestalling letter telling me it is in response to my earlier letter to a particular name or address to which I never wrote at all. The letter contained many other discrepancies that makes me not to except it if possible . In this email attachment I am sending my reply to it with its copy so that you will know my objection in accepting it.

Since the beginning of the month December 2006 (and earlier) I had written to many "Ethics in Science" Concerns, sending them my "A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report" requesting their opinion mainly about a "Textbook Science and its related secondary and primary research literatures". I had also sent one such email correspondence to The Editor of ORI newsletter, which is quite different from the matter that I wanted to write to the Director on the main issue. Once again I am really shocked and anguished about the uninvited, adverse email letter on some ill-conceived pretext from a Director in your office, telling me it is in response to my correspondence to such and such name, which was not true.

I am afraid that it may be an attempt, trying to crush my earnest struggle to know the truth and justice on a serious public health matters of a grave scientific/research misconduct. In this regard I strongly believe hundreds of millions of people immensely suffer, thousands among them die, billions of dollars of public money lost as the consequence of this major alcohol or the alcoholism textbook science and its related literatures research "omission" or the falsification if it is true, (visit > to see some of its evidences) irrespective of whether it is done "willfully" or not! Moreover, in my humble opinion the letter from 'John E. Dahlberg Ph.D., does not follow the fair, diligent, discerning procedures in responding to such a serious matters (do not "adequately" explain on what grounds he is dismissing it) therefore adversely effecting it.

Finally, the first and the foremost thing that I wanted to write to the Director ORI, is about my 'Whistleblower Complaint', I am sending it in another separate email correspondence to your other email address
>and request you to consider it as my primary correspondence to the Director of ORI and the main subject matter and request you please to reply to that first than to any thing else.


Valerian TexeiraAlcoholics Curewell
St. Joseph NagarMangalore - 575002 INDIA.

To Whomever it may Concern: This correspondence involves a serious subject matters of "A Major Scientific/Research Misconduct Allegation Report". Any of its reasonable, lawful disclosure, reporting requirements or any intimidation or adverse response to it overrides any of its senders Confidentiality Statement.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Here is document in a Microsoft Word format.
Tracy Morgan

From: Morgan, Tracy S (HHS/OPHS) Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 4:07 PMTo: ''Subject: Scientific misconduct allegations 3606

Dear Mr. Texeria,
The attached document is in response to your AskORI email of December 21.

Thank You,
Tracy Morgan

Office of Public Health and Science
Office of Research Integrity
1101 Wootton Pkwy, suite 750
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Tel: 240-453-8800
Fax: 301-594-0043


December 28, 2006

Mr. Valerian Texeira
Alcoholics Curewell
St. Joseph Nagar
Mangalore - 575002 INDIA


Re: DIO 3606

Dear Mr. Texeira:

This is to acknowledge your email of December 21, 2006 to The Office of Research Integrity (ORI). ORI has authority only in matters of scientific misconduct as defined below.

Under the Public Health Service (PHS) regulations at 42 CFR Part 93, "research misconduct" means "fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.” Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. To establish ORI jurisdiction, we must determine that: (1) an allegation of possible misconduct meets the definition of possible research misconduct above, and (2) that the allegation is related to PHS support or an application for PHS support.

I am sorry but your concerns do not fall under ORI’s jurisdiction.


John E. Dahlberg

John E. Dahlberg, Ph.D.
Division of Investigative Oversight
Office of Research Integrity

SMAR Whistleblowers Complaint (First Part)
Total Disregard Irresponsiveness
Towards A Scientific Misconduct Allegation

Following “A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR) here comes my “FIRST Whistleblowers complaint” (WBC) document. It is about the leading alcohol research institutions authorities total disregard or “Irresponsiveness”, most importantly by the NIAAA Director, towards my SMAR made in my good faith. I have its extended part in a “second” WBC, in the next chapter of this document. In this first part I refer to many of those PHS policy regulations which are also equally important in understanding the second WBC , although these two remain quite separate in contrast. On that account I point this as my “first” whistleblowers complaint.

Compliance to The PHS Policy:
In my humble opinion based on my study on this subject, the matter of “Scientific or Research Misconduct” has been considered as a heinous offence to the adherence of science, especially by the people, authorities who are very much concerned about the ‘ethics in science’ or the integrity of its research or its responsible conduct. Therefore the US Public Health Service (PHS) Policy of “Responding to Research Misconduct Allegation,” in general commands every institutions, which comes under its jurisdiction to publish and to comply with certain basic research misconduct policies (generally made available in their website) laid down by its designated authorities to effectively prevent, and discourage and to diligently deal with any possible research misconduct that may occur in their institution.

Assurance of A Fair & Adequate Assessment of the Allegation:
The main procedural part of the PHS research misconduct policy starts with the allegation “assessment” procedure. People usually don’t come forward to report a scientific/research misconduct generally if they first of all fear the authorizes noncompliance of this policy or if they see no hope of getting a fair response or hearing to their complaint even at its beginning stage itself. The apprehension of bias, discrimination or the adverse action (retaliation) further discourage the complainants or the whistleblowers especially in such a public interest cases where keeping silence will save them their time, money, unnecessary troubles and the suffering from its emotional distress. Therefore, to prevent this the PHS research misconduct policy, provides many assurances of institutional compliances in so many words. In essence it promises a diligent, fair and adequate response to a scientific/research misconduct allegation made in a good faith. The PHS General Responsibilities for Compliance Sec. 93.300 (b) and the Institutional policy procedure ‘Sec. 93.304 ’ clearly states (b) A thorough, competent, objective, and fair response to allegations of research misconduct consistent with and within the time limits of this part. In this regard the NIH Extramural Research <> about implementing this responsibility quotes the: ‘42 CFR Part 50, Subpart A’, which says; “institutions are to establish an administrative process to handle such allegation in an expeditious, objective, thorough and competent manner”. Now most importantly the PHS 93.223 in its definition of the “research misconduct proceeding” clearly includes the allegation “assessment” along with the enquiry and investigation. In this regard NIH Guide ( its reference given in the latter sections) clearly states that the institutions required to give (send) a prompt response or acknowledgement in return to the complaint. If they don’t, then it obviously becomes a “violation of due process in handling complaints of misconduct in science” <> that can be treated as a adverse action under the PHS Sec. 93.226. Because, such total irresponsiveness, negligence in the form of not sending a written acknowledgement (violation of due process) towards a consistent SMAR could be due to many reasons like bias, contempt and in this case I suspect it is mainly due to the “Conflict of Interest”. Whatever may be the reason nevertheless in my humble opinion they all are totally bad for the Ethics in Science, integrity of research and to its responsible conduct to say the least.

2006 Uncovering and Reporting A Major Scientific Misconduct:

Now let me start with the main facts that led to this whistleblowers complaint. Last year (2006) I uncovered what I honestly believe is, a major “scientific misconduct” (falsification) in the field of alcohol research. Due to its occurrence in the basic “Textbook science” and its related secondary and primary research literatures, it mainly involves or implicates all those (numbers of) leading alcohol research institutions universities and those researchers in quite a large numbers. Although I knew it is a mammoth task and a heavy burden for a lay-person like me to pursue it, nevertheless in a ‘good faith’ I wrote its extensive complaint titled “A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report” (SMAR) containing two parts, explaining in details many of its different aspect, fundamental points, basic facts, of this huge public health research misconduct and send it to the Universities/Institutions most importantly to the NIAAA to its present Director Dr. T. K Li., and number of those other university members authorities who I sincerely believe involved in this perhaps the major scientific/research misconduct of the century.

NIAAA Directors Total Irresponsiveness to My SMAR:
However to my total dismay, majority of those university/institutions members most importantly the NIAAA Director to whom I send my SMAR and its connected documents simply ignore it to the extent that they don’t bother to send me even an initial acknowledgement response to it! This in my opinion amount to a reckless disregard, “violation of due process” or a “misconduct” on the part of these institutions authorities towards a SMAR. Because, according to my knowledge and study of the PHS scientific/research misconduct policy, including the Whistleblowers Bill or Rights, commands the institutions to send an written notice or acknowledgment in response to a scientific/research misconduct allegation report in the part of its ‘allegation assessment’ regulations. In this connection I have pointed many PHS policy regulation in the above section. Further more here let me concretely point out some of those Gov. policy regulations in the next section.

PHS & NIH Guide Handling Scientific Misconduct Allegation:
The National Institute of Health (NIH) “A Guide to the Handling of Scientific Misconduct Allegations in the Intramural Research Program at the NIH” ‘Allegation Assessment’ in this regard explicitly states in its column: “2) the allegation does not warrant an Inquiry, in which case the complainant will be notified in writing”. Also its further extension <> ‘Intramural Research Program Policies & Procedures for Investigating Scientific Misconduct (Finalized 5/2/01)’ section: V-C. Assessment of Allegations and/or Information; in this regard explicitly states; “4) If no Inquiry is initiated, the complainant, if known, and anyone else who became aware of the allegations, will be notified in writing”.

Although I could not find the exact clause in the PHS CFR Part 93; that particularly directs the Institutions members to send an acknowledgement to a SMAR. However, I strongly believe it is basically “implied” in the overall PHS Policy of “Responding to the Research Misconduct
Allegation”. In addition I would also like to mention the 42 C.F.R Part 50. 103 (d) (13), and its conforming to the PHS Act Part 493(e) in the protection of whistleblower for (1) ‘good faith allegations of an inadequate institutional response to scientific misconduct allegation’. Further on the “Whistleblower’s Bill of Rights” (d) Procedures free from partiality: Institutions have a duty to follow procedures that are not tainted by partiality arising from personal or institutional conflict of interest or other sources of bias. Also in the Information clause (e) it states; “Institutions have a duty to elicit and evaluate fully and objectively information about concerns raised by whistleblowers”. This probably applies more to these unique and rare cases of the research misconduct in a Textbook Science and its related secondary, primary Research Literatures.

No Response from ORI Director to My Whistleblowers Complaint So Far:
Following the total disregard or ‘Irresponsiveness’ of the NIAAA’s Director and the other alcohol research institutions authorities toward my SMAR, I wrote a Whistleblowers Complaint furnishing the details in regard to this issue and send it to mainly to the ORI Director Chris B. Pascal J.D. I actually sent him two different complaints to his two different email address. (<> & <> ) First about a preemptive forestalling letter that I earlier received from a member of his office and the second one is my whistleblower complaint about the NIAAA Directors irresponsiveness towards my SMAR. However so far I haven’t received the response letter from the ORI Director. In this email attachment I am enclosing some of my important letter correspondence documents to NIAAA Director and to the ORI Director.

I have also send my whistleblowers complaint to the the NIH Agency Intramural Research Integrity Officer (AIRIO). To which I received a very kind response from Dr. Joan P. Schwartz, who finally told me to write to the ORI Director. But to say it once again so far I have received no response from the ORI Director in this regard and I don’t know whether to expect it any more or not.

Formidable Conflict of Interest:
If my SMAR ever proven to be right or true then all these leading alcohol institutions more or less stand (advertently or inadvertently) guilty of allowing to continue such a major research misconduct or at least of being negligent in this entire alcohol research matter. I believe this creates such a formidable Conflict of Interest for these institutions to overcome and to remain impartial towards this SMAR. They are very predominant in this field and the most powerful among them is the NIAAA. Ironically, however these are the same institutions to whom I am sending my SMAR requesting them to undertake enquiry investigation on this complaint that basically threatens their own existence! On top of it, they all take shelter under the US. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) form which comes the top alcohol research publication: “Alcohol and Health” report to US congress, which I am very much afraid to say; basically contains ‘more or less’ the research falsification (omission, negligence, absence), described in my SMAR. Now after all we all know that the ORI is a department that comes under the USDHHS and its Director so far do not send me any response to my whistleblowers complaint. Here I am very much afraid to comment any thing further more in this matter, that I may loose even the remotest chance of getting a fair hearing in these matters.

Concluding Comments of the First WBC
At the initial stages I was quite baffled by the leading alcohol institutions total “irresponsiveness” towards my SMAR. They would have easily avoided it and remained within the compliance of the PHS policy by simply sending a acknowledgement towards the SMAR. However it is after seeing the basic discrepancies and analyzing the major flaws in the other institutions response replies that I realized that one of its main reason is that my SMAR leaves no appropriate excuses for these leading alcohol research institutions but to conduct “; “A thorough, competent, objective, and fair response to allegations of research misconduct…” inquiry. In this situation perhaps they may be terrified that the things may spiral out of their control if they submit it to any such impartial, diligent inquiry and if it is proven right, then all these leading alcohol institutions more or less stand (advertently or inadvertently) guilty of allowing to continue this research misconduct or at least of being negligent in this alcohol research matter and they have to face its consequences. Therefore their best thing strategy to counter it, is to absolutely not to respond to the SMAR at all because a poor lay person from India would not have the resources to fight such formidable research misconduct or the whistleblowers complaint in the US federal courts.

SMAR Whistleblowers Complaint Second Part II
NO-Thorough, Competent, Objective and Fair
Response to A Scientific Misconduct Allegation

Introduction to the Second Whistleblowers Complaint (WBC)
This second WBC is the extended part of my first WBC. Even though they both originate from my main or the principle “A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR)” nevertheless they stand quite separate in contrast. While the first one points about the leading alcohol research institutions total disregard or “irresponsive” towards my SMAR but this second one points to the discrepancies or noncompliance by the institutions authorities in responding or replies to my SMAR.

Noncompliance of the PHS Sec. 93. 300 (b) & 93. 304 (b)
There are quite a number of college/universities its designated authorities (although they are not the leading alcohol research institutions) who duly send an acknowledgement or replies to my SMAR. Most of these responses were quite amiable (except a very few adverse, threatening, preemptive, forestalling) responses. However I found none of these responses followed the PHS General Responsibilities for Compliance Sec. 93.300 (b) and the Institutional policy procedure ‘Sec. 93.304 (b)’ that in its essence states; “A thorough, competent, objective, and fair response to allegations of research misconduct….” In this respect, all those responses that I received to my SMAR, first of all too short (two, three, sentences) to be considered as “a thorough, competent, objective, and fair response to such a major and serious SMAR, presented in two major parts which explains in details many of its different aspect, nature and the enormous extent (Textbook Science Literature that involve hundreds of institutions) and raises many serious concerns, fundamental points, basic facts --- besides, the basic discrepancies or the irregularities contained in their abrupt reply.

Reference to my first WBC Sub Title Sections
In my first WBC under its subtitles: “Assurance of A Fair & Adequate Assessment of the Allegation:” and in “PHS & NIH Guide Handling Scientific Misconduct Allegation:”
I have pointed out some of the PHS scientific/research misconduct policy regulations, which mainly requires the institutions to comply or follow diligently a thorough, objective, competent and fair procedure in responding to a scientific misconduct allegation report. The PHS policy regulations that I mentioned in these two sections given above equally applies or supports both my WBC so I would not repeat it all over again in here. However in the following I would like to show some other main PHS regulations that further describes the “Allegation Assessment” procedure that the institutions have a duty to diligently follow while responding or handling all the scientific/research misconduct allegation reports.

Allegation Assessment Procedure:
Under the PHS policy, the scientific/research misconduct allegation report has to go-through into its primary stage described as the “Allegation Assessment” to get qualified into its “enquiry” (“investigation” comes after it). However PHS provides no elaborate procedural description of this “allegation assessment” except mentioning it in its Sec. 93.102., and indicating about it in Sec. 93.307 Institutional inquiry (its more details I give in the latter section). Perhaps it is assumed that (in my opinion) at this primary stage if the designated authority follows the principles of the PHS 93.300 (b) & 304 (b) “A thorough, competent, objective, and fair response to allegations of research misconduct…” and other such regulation then there will not arise much ambiguity or contention (unless he/she is some what bias against or have conflict of interest and try to suppress it) in determining whether the allegation qualify for the enquiry or not at this stage. Because the main task of any of the ‘allegation assessment’ is to see simply to determine in principle whether the given allegation If (one assumes it to be) True comes under the definition of a scientific misconduct. And it is not a difficult task for a competent person to decide on such common principle grounds. In the sense if any number of such persons given to decide impartially on this matter then at least the overwhelming majority (if not all) arrive at the same conclusion and will be able to provide its thorough, competent, objective, and fair explanations of the procedure that they followed to come to this decision.

In fact the task of this Allegation Assessment considered to be quite simple (comparatively) so only a single designated person assigned to conduct it. In principle it is mainly to see “whether the allegation IF TRUE would constitute a research misconduct” there are some other criteria based on this principle (to which I will come latter in this section). What is most important to know in here is, that the PHS forbids the designated person from conducting any evaluation of the given misconduct or its evidence facts. In other words in this “allegation assessment” it is never intended (based on my study) to decide whether any of the allegation that comes before him or her, is ‘not a ‘willful’ act but a ‘honest error’ or a or a ‘difference of opinion’ or those members or authorities pointed in this allegation really involved in this given research misconduct or not. All of its preliminary decision left to be made at its enquiry stage and to confirm it in the investigation. Overall in my opinion this allegation assessment mainly intended to discourage any frivolous or a trivial research misconduct allegations that can be mostly discarded and closed with certainty at this first stage and the complainant would not contest it any further.

Now let me point out some of the institutional policy regulations that clearly mention about it.
It is in the NIH “Allegation Assessment”, and next in its ‘The NIH IRP Policies and Procedures for Investigating Scientific Misconduct are available at’ < smpolicy.htm > in its Chapter V., C., finally sums it up in its section of; Assessment of Allegation 1) An assessment of the allegations and/or other information about suspected research misconduct will be made by the AIRIO solely to determine whether the allegations, if true, would constitute research misconduct as defined and whether the information is sufficiently specific to warrant and enable an Inquiry. No evaluation of the facts themselves will occur at this stage”. (Bold and Underlines mine.)

PHS Sec. 93.307 Institutional inquiry.
However, here I should once again reiterate that the PHS policy regulations does not explicitly mention the allegation “assessment” proceedings. All it states in its Sec.93.307 Institutional inquiry is that (a) Criteria warranting an inquiry. An inquiry is warranted if the allegation--
(1) Falls within the definition of research misconduct under this part;
(2) Is within Sec. 93.102; and
(3) Is sufficiently credible and specific so that potential evidence of research misconduct may be identified.
As you see in this PHS CFR 93.307 Institutional inquiry criteria it not even mentions the name of the “assessment”. Perhaps it is not considered as a “ must”, so it is left for the individual institutions to have it or not. Therefore the most important criteria that the PHS CFR 93 emphasize only the INQUIRY. This is indeed most important in my opinion because it provides the opportunity to any of the complainant who reports a research misconduct but finds or honestly believes that the designated ‘assessment’ authority did not follow, “A thorough, competent, objective, and fair response to allegations of research93.300 (b) & 304 (b) 93.300 (b) & 304 (b) misconduct…” and the Whistleblowers Bill of Rights in dealing with this allegation assessment proceedings and therefore insists that a inquiry should be conducted in this matter by the committee comprising more than three members then in my humble opinion under the circumstances the institutions have a responsibility to oblige.

Discrepancies or Violation of Due Process in the Institutions Members Replies
Now under the ‘Whistleblowers Bill of Rights’, let me reveal the actual response or the replies of the institutions designated members who had responded to my SMAR. There are around 50 of them. Most in their replies mainly saying in essence that , ‘no members of their institutions involved in the SMAR that I point out, therefore it does not come under their institutions jurisdiction’. Many of them further added that it does not appear to be a willful act therefore a ‘honest error’ or a ‘difference of opinion which does not come under the research misconduct allegation. However when I wrote them back pointing out many alcohol literatures, documents, promulgations in their website, which they employ in their alcohol education, programs, research etc., activities, which I allege containing the research falsification specially the Sec. 93.102 Applicability (b) (2) which states; “This includes any research proposed, performed, reviewed, or reported, or any research record generated from that research, regardless of whether an application or proposal for PHS funds resulted in a grant, contract, cooperative agreement, or other form of PHS support” To which none of them replied back. All these correspondence letter documents between me and those institutions will be too long to give it in here. Therefore I am planning to provide its detailed information in my forthcoming website titled; ‘Research Misconduct’.

However a very interesting point that one observe in this reply statement is that first of all most of them does not say whether it is allegation assessment or the inquiry conclusion. Secondly their replies indicate that they are not sure whether this SMAR (If True) would falls under the definitions of the research misconduct and most importantly in this connection when they state about it is ‘not a ‘willful’ act but a ‘honest error’ or a ‘difference of opinion’ they are talking about the out-come of an inquiry or investigation which they yet to start. All these fact points to the basic discrepancies irregularities, unfair procedures or violation of due process by the institutions who had responded to my SMAR.

SMAR Gets Its Publication in Health Action
Despite the bias, negligence and the “conflict of interest” of the leading alcohol institution towards my SMAR, there are also many encouraging responses. Among them a prominent health magazine named ‘Health Action’ < > published my SMAR in two part in its November and December (2006) issue. They must have seen the importance and seriousness of this scientific misconduct allegation to place it in their health magazines “Research & Ethics” section, probably because its overflowing evidences apparently seen all over the place of alcohol research, even though it happens to be discovered by a lay person! This shows that the concerned people in the public health service who obviously not biased an do not have any of the ‘Conflict of Interest’ clearly think that my SMAR at-least come under the definition of scientific or research misconduct and at least qualifies for an inquiry. Ironically the leading alcohol research institutions authorities don’t even send a acknowledgement response to it and the other who do obviously fail to follow its due PHS research misconduct procedures in its respect.

In Concluding
In the concluding section of the first WBC I have given my short analysis of why the leading alcohol research institutions in the world remain totally silent or irresponsive towards my SMAR. To add to it here I say that I am a lay person committed to social justice most of my life, now ended up with this major scientific/research misconduct allegation report made in good faith, which at present gets added with its Whistleblowers complaint. Now from my underprivileged situation from India I simply can not legally afford to pursue this major public health research misconduct carried out by the leading alcohol research institutions and thereof its whistle blowers complaint mainly emanating from the US. In this predicament hereby I appeal to you all the people concerned, please to help me to overcome and to find truth and justice in this Public health issue.

Valerian TexeiraAlcoholics CurewellSt. Joseph NagarMangalore - 575002 INDIA.

Scientific Misconduct Web-site
Documents For A Quick Glance

The original documents of this Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR) are too long and perhaps would make a tedious blog reading for the people who are not keen in all its details. If anyone like to know the four principle or original documents of this SMAR, please visit to the website: Here below are its principal Titles with its basic insight for a quick glance.


Document #1
A Major ‘Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report’ (SMAR) Part I & II

This is my reporting in good faith about a major “Scientific/Research Misconduct” carried out by the world’s leading health institutions, particularly the WHO and the USDHHS through their health promulgations, publications in regard to the matters of ‘alcohol (substance) dependence’. Its ‘legacy’ can be seen clearly in their textbook science literatures (ICD-10 and DSM-IV among others).........................................
Its full Document in the Website:


Document #2
SMAR Reminder Letter to The NIAAA Director

This is the title copy of my final correspondence(letter dated 21st December 2006)) to the NIAAA Director requesting him (time and again) to reply to my SMAR. Also most importantly pointing out the alcohol research literatures (and its researchers) in the NIAAA that I allege containing the research falsification or the misconduct.

To which the NIAAA Director (address given below) not even send and an acknowledgement, which is a blatant disregard and violation of due process in responding to a SMAR.

Ting-Kai Li, M.DDirectorNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA5635 Fishers Lane, MSC 9304 BethesdaBethesda, MD 20892-9304. USA.

Its full Document in the Website:


Document #3
SMAR Whistleblower Complaint to ORI

This is the title copy of my correspondence(letter dated January 2, 2007) to the ORI Director (Address given below) to which he has not replied so far.

Chris B. Pascal J.D. from the University of Maryland
Director, Office of Research Integrity
ORI Division of Policy Education
5515 Security Lane, Suite 700
Rockville, MD 20852.
Its full Document in the Website:

Document #4
Whistleblowers Complaint
Blatant Disregard Irresponsiveness Towards the SMAR

Introduction: Following “A Major Scientific Misconduct Allegation Report (SMAR) here comes my “FIRST Whistleblowers complaint” (WBC) document. It is about the leading alcohol research institutions authorities total disregard or “Irresponsiveness”, most importantly by the NIAAA Director, towards my SMAR made in my good faith. I have its extended part in a “second” WBC, in the next chapter of this document. In this first part I refer to many of those PHS policy regulations which are also equally important in understanding the second WBC , although these two remain quite separate in contrast. On that account I point this as my “first” whistleblowers complaint.

Its full Document in the Website:
