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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Standard Alcohol Drinks Cause Alcoholism

Standard Alcohol Drinks* (STDs), which features at the forefront in the Gov. and the other alcohol research, prevention, treatment institutions much publicized moderate (safe, low-risk, controlled) drinking promulgations indeed potentially dangerous to Human consumption!

Because, all the available alcohol research evidences** in this matter clearly indicates that all these STDs, most popular among them is the Standard beer, which contains around 5% alcohol (v/v) potentially cause alcoholism particularly the alcohol dependence.

On the other hand there are no fundamental alcohol research evidence that in any way indicate that the Low-Alcohol Drinks (LAD’s that contains around 2% or less alcohol) cause alcoholism problems specially its “alcohol dependence”!

However the greatest irony of this matter is that the Gov. Alcohol Policy Makers (APMs) mainly its researchers who monitors the safety of the products (specially the food and drug), which they sanction for the public consumption does not seems to recognize the potential dangers of the SADs consumption even though its evidence right in front of them!

So the question arise; why does the Gov. Alcohol Policy Makers (APM) continued to endorse those SADs brought in by the Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturers (ABM) despite the overwhelming alcohol research evidence that all of which potentially cause the alcoholism and the diseases?

*A Standard Alcohol Drink is calculated around 10 to 14 grams of pure alcohol in essence. (Please notice the difference in the alcohol amounts between the US and the International!) The different alcohol concentration in the drink (V/V) is one of the main criteria between different category of alcoholic beverages. Please note the5% alcohol (v/v) beer drink comes down lowest in the list! It make the people to wrongly to assume that it contains the lowest alcohol in the alcohol drinking standard! Please note there is absence of Low-alcohol Drinks in the there.

In the US scale of measurement it comes to:
1.5 ounce of 80-prof distilled spirit (around 40% alcohol v/v)
one 5-ounce glass of wine (around 12% alcohol v/v)
one 12-ounce bottle of beer (around 5% alcohol v/v)

In the European scale of measurement it comes to:
A single shot of spirits or liquor of 40ml. (around 40% alcohol v/v).
A glass of wine or sherry of 140ml. (around 12% alcohol v/v).
One can of beer of 300ml. (around 5% alcohol v/v).


** The Standard Alcohol Drinks (SADs) remains ubiquitous in all alcohol drink research, much so in the research of the drinks causing alcoholism problems unless it specifically mentions the name of the Low Alcohol Drinks. Therefore, anyone asking for the evidence for the existence of the STDs in the alcohol research is like asking for the evidence of saltwater when referred to the seawater!

Here are the leading Standard Alcohol Drinks stipulations, descriptions information web sources : -

Main Subject: A Whistleblower Report A Major Scientific Misconduct in alcohol Research; in which the Ethics in Science, Integrity, Responsible Conduct have taken a back seat.



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